Vortex rangefinder question?


Feb 26, 2012
Western Washington
I purchased a Vortex rangefinder a couple days ago, and I'm not sure if it's working correctly or not. Here's what's happening. The view displays red crosshairs. I put the crosshairs on the target and push the button. The crosshairs disappear after pushing the button, and about 1 second later the yardage is displayed. I was warned in advance about the delay, so that isn't the problem. The problem is that if I move the rangefinder off the target at all during that 1 second delay, I don't get a proper reading. It doesn't seem to be "fireing" when I push the button, but some time during the delay, when no crosshais are showing. For example, I have two targets set about 10 yards apart. I can aim at one target, push the button, and during the delay move it towards the other target. When I do this, I get the reading of the second target, or no reading at all.
Is this noral for this rangefinder or does mine have a problem? I don't want to send it back for repairs, if this is just how it works.
I don't intentionally move off target. But holding perfectly still on a target 50 yards away between two trees for over a second is pretty tough, especially with no cross hairs. If you can do that every time, with complete confidence, you've got some unnatural abilities.
The more I play around with mine, the more I'm convinced that it isn't working correctly. I'll contact Vortex today.
On a side note, the optics in this rangefinder are outstanding.
Yes, contact them & let them know your issue. I'm sure it's minor. Ours work fast with no issues, it will continue to update distance instantly if on a moving animal and button is held. Still not exactly sure what you are saying is wrong but contact them with your question?
