Vortex Japan vs China manufacture


Sep 27, 2014
Western Oregon
It's not a claim, it's on the website..


Premier started their own line after they split from working with leupold which could have the made in America lable per the ftc as I understand it. They went out of business in 2013.

I've been to the factory and still have a few leupold scopes. I'm not saying they're a bad company, just not legally allowed to have a made in the USA label per ftc regulations.

I don't really see anything there that could be construed as a lie ? maybe they really do their own machining and assembly in house, if you've been through the facility then you know for yourself the kind on plant they have there, impressive I'd say


Nov 6, 2013
I don't really see anything there that could be construed as a lie ? maybe they really do their own machining and assembly in house, if you've been through the facility then you know for yourself the kind on plant they have there, impressive I'd say
I never said they were lieing, just as a matter for discussion they can't claim the made in America label. That being said, they're, with regards to their gold ring products, as American as Apple pie.


Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
Leupold has been doing some foreign parts and maybe even manufacture on the lower end models but they have a very extensive manufacturing facility in Beaverton that has done nothing but grow and expand year by year - They tend to not get caught up in a "yearly competitive rush" but try to make sure they have something "right" before presentation - they have also been ultra focused on LE and military in recent years, there are optics we consumers know noting about and cannot get - this whole "dialing" for long distance is relatively new in the realm of "hunting", they are addressing it within their walls I believe - Leupold is a solid, honest company who's not going anywhere and won't ever attempt to deceive anyone (although they do have things they would rather not share from time to time) I've been using Leupold top shelf products my entire life and never had reason to doubt or criticize - I've no skin in the game with them, just the utmost respect after knowing many employees over the years - They've also done as much as any company "out there" for our veterans AND active military as well as LEO's - Good company with honest intentions Leupold is

Not everyone is from the hunting world so dialing isn't really that new. Mid to late 90 the mark 4 was a standard then time went on others kept moving forward leupold stood pat and lost lots of ground. Rifles only were reporting a 3/10 failure rate and Leopold them selves said 3% reticle can't was acceptable. I think it is great they finally moved forward as competition in optics is great for the consumer. It really is a time like no other where there are so many options to fill all most every void. Optical performance are like boots one guys best is the other guys junk as all our eyes are different. They are also funny as a guy won't think twice about clothes sewn some where over seas but then a big point of contention with optics. I don't really care where it is made if it performs is how I draw my judgement. I have had leupy fail me but as you said it looks like some of there new offerings are to good not to take a chance on.
Jun 29, 2017
Noted something interesting recently. In the past the razor line from Vortex had been made in Japan according to the label on the box and item itself. I have been very satisfied with those pieces optically and I've been through quite a few of them buying and selling. The last razor spotter I picked up had a made in China label which was odd but optically and build quality it was fine. Then I ordered a pair of 20x56 Kaibabs and they were made in China, the glass was subpar and the focus between the two barrels couldn't be adjusted correctly. I contacted Vortex and sent them back and was quickly sent a replacement set that was made in Japan. Glass was much better and no focus issues. Just curious if anyone else has seen a decline in quality since the manufacturing went to china?
The ones from China come with Coronavirus.


Jan 8, 2020
Am I correct in saying that their Premium Razor line;

Tactical Scopes

Are now made in China and not Japan ?

They should/have kept the premium range manufactured in Japan in my view if this is the case.

There is not a snow balls chance in hell I would spend the money on their premium range if it was made in China....just to add I looked into the Fury HD 5000 but cannot get over the made in China sticker.
Dec 11, 2016
Tallahassee, FL
I'm certainly glad you read thru my dry sarcasm, my intent wasn't to offend you :)

I do feel it's unfair to classify a products quality, purely based on a countries origin of manufacturing. As long as standards are adhered to, and QC is controlled by the "mother" company of high standards...quality products at a reasonable to price to the end user can be provided. China is no longer the Taiwan/Philippines mfg. of plastic trinkets and cheap shoes, they have made remarkable steps in technology and plant upgrading. They are certainly capable of great optics, just so in-house representatives are in control of QC and standards.

I don't have an issue with foreign products, including those from China or Japan. But I'm not a fan of companies that parade a front of American owned(push military/police discounts and support), purely as a marketing ploy to dismiss the fact that their products are made elsewhere/outsourced. Products should be rated/reviewed based on quality/price, instead of blindly choosing based on an American billboard waved in front of our face to block the facts.

Companies such as Leupold have managed to stay a viable source of a good product line, all while staying in the US and affordable for the masses. They may not be the best on the market, but their pricing/business structure allows for competitive pricing and marketable product....it can be done.

I agree, many companies like Simms and Danner have a split where the entry level stuff is made overseas, but once you’re to the “bread and butter” of the lineup it’s made in the USA.

I think it’s a cheapass move to claim to be an “American company”, use the American flag on a bunch of your swag, and then make almost everything overseas.

FWIW, besides supporting our economy and jobs, “made in the USA” SHOULD be a marker of quality. If it’s garbage but made here, I don’t want it either. This is the same reason I’m happy to buy stuff made in Germany or Switzerland.

I don’t think everything made in a China is junk, a lot of KUIU stuff is made there, and I’ve had great experiences with it. The problem is in most cases when companies move production there, it’s a cost savings measure and they will throw quality out the window to maximize it. I don’t see KUIU touting their “Americanness” though, even though their customer service is based here.

Interestingly enough, a lot of guys that buy high end fly rods don’t want a “no fault” warranty, as they realize they’re paying extra for it. If a rod costs $200 to make and would sell for $600, they will price it at $800 to factor in the cost of the replacement they’ll likely give you.

If I drop my pair of $1,000 Zeiss binos off the mountain and bust a lens, I’m completely satisfied with paying $200 for them repairing it. I’m not so happy paying $1,000 for a pair of binos with a “no fault” warranty that cost $150 to make, and look like it.