But who would actually be the cop charged with this task if the sheriff of the country won’t enforce it? It would normally fall upon the deputies. Special weapons units/ swat teams etc are sheriff departments. They gonna send state troopers, state park rangers and game wardens to perform raids to confiscate weapons?
You probably know more about N Virginia than I do as most people I know do what we can to avoid the area. The annual P&Y National Convention is finally coming near where I live and I want to attend, but don't know if I want to go badly enough to go to N Virginia. (I live on a farm in southeast VA, about an hour's drive inland from Virginia Beach/Norfolk)
As for the Ds being reasonable. I don't think they have a choice. While they have the majority in the House and Senate, they are just barely in control. As I stated above I think the Ds will have to pull back on the reins or risk losing all control at the next election (November 2021).
House was 51 Rs and 49 Ds
Senate was 21 Rs and 19 Ds
House is 49 Rs and 51 Ds
Senate is 19 Rs and 21 Ds
(Virginia has no independents)
Clearly if the Ds push too hard they will lose all control at the next election. I think all of their crazy bills and talk are posturing. This is a common political tactic. The problem, as with numerous other states, is that our largest population center (N Virginia) is steering the politics for the rest of the state. The Rs will have to dramatically improve their game or they will be insignificant in 10-20 years.
Yeah, I know, I'm replying to myself. I'm apologizing...
I'd like to point out that I think I was wrong. A week ago I thought that the Ds were posturing. I thought that they would try to pass more moderate bills so as not to alienate moderate voters.
I was very wrong. This morning the Ds advanced 3 major bills out of their first committees. Those 3 bills:
SB70 tightens up background checks even between friends and relatives
SB69 one gun a month
SB35 red flag law
At this rate they may continue to pass all that they want. If they do this the Ds are damn near certain to lose the House and Senate in November 2021. Then the Rs will likely undo everything that the Ds did in the legislative session in early 2022. These are volatile times in Virginia.
Am I the only that sees the irony in Virginia's motto, "Sic semper tyrannis" (Thus ever unto tyrants)?
Am I the only that sees the irony in Virginia's motto, "Sic semper tyrannis" (Thus ever unto tyrants)?
I was born and raised in Virginia, in the mountains, and have lived here my entire life with the exception of college. It has been a wonderful place to grow up, a place that I looked forward to raising my future family. Our property borders about 20,000 acres of NF. A true sportsman's paradise. I've hunted deer, turkey, bear, and everything else that can walk or fly here since I was old enough to walk with my dad. The county I live in is very conservative and with the exception of increasing taxes I have few complaints about living here, however, over the past few years, the increasingly left-leaning politics of northern Virginia, Richmond, and down east have overshadowed the rest of the state. If you look at a county-by-county map of the last presidential election or any for that matter, you'd see that the overwhelming majority of the state is conservative, but, as in so many other states, the small very high populated areas dominate elections.
I find it very sad that the state that I have loved my entire life and that my family has resided in since coming to the United States before the revolutionary war wants to change the way of life for people that live in areas they have never even heard of not less visited. I'm truly sick over this whole ordeal. I'm certain that with the passage of these extreme anti-gun laws it will assure the Virginia General Assembly will swing back to the Republicans in 2021 and they will undo some and hopefully all of the damage to the second amendment but I see this entire situation as an indicator of the continual shift of Virginia toward the left.
I want to take the time to thank each and every one of you that have supported the efforts here in Virginia and know that we (I) truly do appreciate it. The fight goes on...
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." - Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776