Vintage Fred Bear....Kodiak Hunter?

Go Pokes

Apr 2, 2017
I believe I have a 1970 Kodiak Hunter on my hands that I just know little about. I know they are a popular model of vintage bow and I was wondering if anyone uses this model or any other vintage bear that might give me their opinions of them. I don't really know if I'll keep it but figured your opinions may help me decide. I'd like to get into archery but am just unsure if traditional is the way I want to go. Perhaps I could trade it out for a compound bow if that were an option. Let me know your thoughts.
Personally Id keep it, learn how to shoot it. I think there is something special about shooting a traditional bow that you just don't get with a compound. I have hunted with both.
You probably wouldn't get much in trade for it unless it was as they generally sell for sub $200 unless they are absolutely mint condition with some kind of pedigree! Trad is immensely fun but can be very frustrating if you don't have knowledgeable help! Give the guy's at RMSGear - RMSGear a call and not sure where in Wyoming you are but if you aren't too far from Denver, a trip to rmsgear for a lesson and proper arrows etc would be a really really good start to shooting!
Thanks for the Input fellas, it's what I needed. Think I probably will hold onto it and perhaps string it up and see what I can see.
I have owned a few of them. I believe that they are the perfect starter bow. They are smooth, forgiving and easy to shoot. I think everyone should have one to play around with. Be careful though that exact model of bow has caused me to become a trad junkie.