finding the best bow set up for me.


Jul 22, 2024
Hello my name is jack, I'm 23 and new to bow hunting so im trying to find a bow to build or buy, I've always been a successful rifle hunter, i currently reload for my 7prc but my archery will now begin. I have no idea what brand to go with, what bows are better than one another or the different types of models one company may sell. Question is if you can make a complete bow and could only use one for the rest of your life. what would you use and how would you make it. one brand that has caught my eye is xpedition bows using magnite material. you can go into detail with what arrows, broad heads, releases and sights. so far what i was looking at was but if you think i should replace something with something else let me know! very new to this but i want a wicked bow that i just cant put down!!

xpedition or hoyt bow

garmin A1I bow sight rangefinder

Easton arrows

Wasp havalon HV broadheads

60X custom strings

not sure if i want a handheld release or wrist release

im putting a insta 360 camera on the front.
You are asking about tools, but you haven't stated the job you want to perform. A jackhammer to bust concrete is a different use case tool from a fine Japanese Dozuki wood saw to cut dovetails. What is your hunting use case/situation? A bow setup/brand for someone who is 4'10" can be quite different from someone 6'7" tall. An African Cape Buffalo is a different animal/situation compared to a Wyoming pronghorn.

Let your situation/needs/use-case dictate the equipment.