Vegas Activities

May 28, 2024
Didn’t know where else on the internet to post this but I will be in Vegas for my brothers wedding. Not into the whole drinking and gambling scene . Like working out, running, and obviously hunting. I have 1 free full day there. Any recommendations on what to do???

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Oct 20, 2020
I went to Vegas several years ago. Not big on the drinking scene and certainly don't gamble. Nothing morally against either, but I spend far too much $$ to donate to the house.

We used it as a jumping off point to do the following:

Grand Canyon for a day. South rim I think it was (reservation with the skywalk?). Beautiful gigantic place, but not my cup of tea. Big ole crack washed out in the ground.

Valley of Fire State Park just north of Vegas. Beautiful area, close to town.

Drove by to see the Hoover Dam. No desire to go in. No desire to spend more time there than to just see it and move on and check it off the list, ala Grand Canyon.

Drove up to Zion National Park for a day. Did a loop (iirc). Absolutely beautiful and I wish I could have spent more time.

At night, the one I 110% recommend, Stratosphere jump. Don't think about it, just do it. When you get there, volunteer to be the first one to jump. Doesn't give you any time for the nerves to get worked up. One of the coolest thing's Ive ever done.

At night, go to Freemont Street (the covered part), and grab a drink/water at Whiskey Liquor, and people watch. They used to have cups there that said "Liquor in the front, poker in the back" that my inner 13 year old boy thought was pretty clever.

Can't help as far as physical stuff to do, although that stratosphere jump will get the ole ticker running.


Jun 13, 2017
Valley of fire is worth the drive. If you go early in the morning you have a good chance at seeing some sheep.