Varget in a 7MM-o8

Feb 15, 2021
Some questions for guys who have used varget in a 708. Does this powder work best with 120-130 gr. projectiles in this caliber ? Tried working a load up with speer 145 gr. hotcore bullets with no great results. Accuracy was in the 2''-3'' range at 100 yards (10 shot groups). Since that time have discovered that my Tikka really likes Hornady Interlocks 139gr. bullets. Should I try Varget with them. I have a load with H4350 and the Interlocks that is right in the 1'' range at 100 with a ten shot group
Next question, Does Varget generally work better with magnum primers ? I have read lately that sometimes sperical powders shoot better with magnum primers. Anyone have experience with this. FWIW I have used mostly CCI 200 LR in loads mentioned above.
Some questions for guys who have used varget in a 708. Does this powder work best with 120-130 gr. projectiles in this caliber ?

Try some 120s. Specifically, copper monolithic 120s over Varget in an '08 is a combo that punches way above its paygrade.
Yeah I run magnum primers with big game. Shoots lights out with 120ttsx and 140 accubonds. The bigger primers do seem to make a difference with ball powders
Well I guess it is time to load a few and try it out. I think that my barrel just did not like the Speer hotcors. I think I will try the Interlocks with Target first and maybe load a few with magnum primers just to see what happens.
I have read that Varget specifically does not like magnum primers, but I don't have any first hand experience with them.

Having said that, Hodgdon publishes a load range of 40.5-43.5gr of Varget, and a GRT simulation shows 100% burnout in a 20 inch barrel at 42gr (at 70F powder temp). With a 22 inch barrel, you can get that at 41gr. (keep in mind, the GRT calculation is with default values so its not going to be any more than rough guidance)

I noticed in your post that you switched bullet an powder. Did you manage to load any decent loads with the Speers? I would expect that the same bullet with Varget would be more accurate than H4350 in a 7mm-08 (all else equal) , because burning all of the H4350 before the bullet exits would require a very long barrel and excessive pressures.
Some decent loads with the Speers. One.5 to 2 inch. I stuck with the 145 gr. Speer and tried 4-5 powders. H4350 was my best load. Then I tried the Hornaday Interlocks and immediately had better groups. Now I will work on perfecting a load with the Hornady's first.
I use magnum primers with varget because I bought a few thousand 450s and I've had no issues. Although i would use normal small rifle primers with it if i had them. I use varget in my 308 and 223 with the 450s.

My 308 load is just a bit hotter than what you're running with a 150gr bullet. You should have no problem there. I'd say your gun doesn't like those bullets.

However, if it likes 4350 just use that. I'd be inclined to use the nosler BTs just because of the great performance I've had with them in 6mm.