Vanes for Fixed Blades & New Easton 5.0

Which vane should I run?

  • AAE Airazr 26

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • AAE Airazr Pro

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • DCA Mini-Sabre

    Votes: 3 42.9%

  • Total voters


Jan 2, 2024
Boise, ID
Just got a dozen of the new Easton 5.0 shafts. Trying to decide what vane to run. Currently between the AAE Airazr 26s, Pros, or the DCA Mini-Sabres. I shoot the 26s currently so I’m mainly looking for input on the other options. Broadheads are the TOTA V-Series. Any info you all can provide will be appreciated. This will be my Spring Bear and fall Elk/Mule Deer arrow.
If you are doing strictly fixed blades. 1000 percent the airazr 26's. trust me. I went down the whole smaller vane thing for a while trying to save a couple grains on the back and be quieter. I am now running 3 Hybrid HP's max helical and couldn't be any happier. And I shoot both mech and fixed. Way happier with 3 bigger vanes and how they perform all around.
If you are doing strictly fixed blades. 1000 percent the airazr 26's. trust me. I went down the whole smaller vane thing for a while trying to save a couple grains on the back and be quieter. I am now running 3 Hybrid HP's max helical and couldn't be any happier. And I shoot both mech and fixed. Way happier with 3 bigger vanes and how they perform all around.
I’ve really loved the Airazr 26s so far. What’s your opinion on the larger Super Sabres instead of the minis?
I’ve really loved the Airazr 26s so far. What’s your opinion on the larger Super Sabres instead of the minis?
Personally i've never tried the DCA Sabres. I've heard some really good things about them and they are supposed to be awesome.
Just get some Easy Vanes and be done with it, mate. I started using them a couple of years ago and I'll never go back to regularly fletching arrows.
I shot the super Sabres last year. Worked great, but they’re pretty tall so you gotta watch sight and cable clearance. Also highly recommend using their using suggested Bob smith maxi cure. I didn’t last year and had some adhesion issues.
Trying the mini Sabres this year, been good so far but I haven’t taken them outdoors yet.
Thanks everyone for the responses. Ended up going with the super sabres! Now to see how they shoot!


  • IMG_7350.jpeg
    356.1 KB · Views: 19
The width of the broadhead and it's flight characteristics, and the FOC of the arrow should be used as a guide in determining the ideal profile of vane. With high FOC and a broadhead that steers the arrow more than another, a smaller profile vane would be preferred, since with higher FOC there is a greater lever for vane correction. At distance this can result in poor performance, especially in windy conditions. If you're not shooting broadheads at distances greater than 40 yards, there's not much to worry about in my opinion. But with longer distances and high FOC, a high profile vane can present some challenges.