unit 438. I believe it's right at the rocky mtn foothills. They recently started up I believe 2 years ago.Im an alberta resident and have never heard of them. Where are they hunting out of?
unit 438. I believe it's right at the rocky mtn foothills. They recently started up I believe 2 years ago.
ok, I found their website. So they aren't southern alberta, they are central and hunt an area that pushes up against a national park. While there are moose there, the area has been hit hard by predators. You should get a bull but I wouldn't expect a 40-50 incher. That area sees a fair amount of resident hunters to. 438 is also where a few world record sheep came from on ministers tags and due to wolves, cougars and bears, the minister tag in alberta isn't usually hunted around there anymore because the numbers have dropped due to predators.
Thanks for the heads up! I tried to look up tag numbers and all that information and I may have misread it but I thought it said there were only 3 resident tags but that seemed super low. How could I go about finding more info on that region? I tried looking up coal spur and didn't find anything
So when I say sees a fair amount of resident pressure, I meant in general and not necessarily for moose. It sees a fair amount of elk, deer and sheep hunters as there is some pretty easy access for sheep. There is only 15 tags given out for residents a year which is low for alberta and tells you a little about the moose density. While it is not a high density moose area, there are some there for sure and I am sure you will likely get one. Most guys go for more of the northern boreal forest moose hunts as densities are a heck of a lot higher than the mountain zones like 438. Here is a link for the draw summary from last year, you will just have to scroll down to antlered moose and then find WMU 438. https://www.albertarelm.com/cust.drawsummarymoose19.page#33 Im not trying to discourage you from this hunt at all, its a beautiful area butted right up against Jasper NAtional park which is one of the most beautiful places in Canada and Im sure you will have a great hunt. Im just trying to give you some information about the area, etc so you can make a more educated pick and not be surprised when you get there if someone is trying to oversell this hunt/area.
Thank you very much for all the great info!! I really appreciate all the insight! I joined the alberta outdoorsman forums and was really discouraged with everyone's attitude to me asking about a couple different outfits.
After a few blundered years I'm heading up this year to hunt with valid outfitters. they seem like they've been getting moose consistently which I'm happy to see! Do you know how I could contact the local biologist for the area? I've tried to find that info online for a while but I can't find names or phone numbers.No problem. That forum is largely hit and miss, take everything on it with a grain of salt. If you have anymore questions about other alberta outfits or anything just shoot me a message.
My trip got pushed back to 2023 but it was for my reasons. I'm really excited to go with them as they have been fantastic to work with thus far. I'll keep you posted.@Chirogrow wondering how your experience with Valid Outfitters was? If you haven't gone yet would you mind letting me know after you are back from your hunt? Looking to book an elk hunt with them. Thanks in advance.
I thought it was a great time in some great country, super nice people!Hello @Chirogrow @OntDarren, my brother and I are interested in booking a cancellation hunt with Valid Outfitters for an elk combo rifle hunt (combo with bear/whitetail) for this upcoming September-October season and we are wondering how your experiences were? Any insight would be super helpful!