I am an AZ native and have hunted and camped all over the state. For an 8 year period I was sleeping under the stars 30 to 50 nights a year, and hundreds of times outside of that as well. While I have seen, killed, and even been bitten by some of the critters mentioned, it happened to me during the day, never while camping. Most of the time I just lay a tarp on the ground with my sleeping pad and bag on it. No tent. If rain or heavy dew was possible, I used a floor less tipi, and the worst I ever woke up to was kangaroo rat tracks around my area. Most of the guys I hunted and camped with did the same. Once my brother was woken up by red ants, and once I watched a skunk poke around my buddy while he slept, but luckily nothing came of that. The only time I consider a tent is if I will be camping in a couple feet Or more of snow. However, The last several years hunting down by the Mexico border we started to sleep in a trailer if we were down in the flats, but that was mainly due to the 2 legged traffic that like to move around at night.