Using coyote pelt for stalk

Maybe try a cow decoy. Check out Montana decoys.

I’ve used 4-5’ of tan burlap camo stretched between a couple thin wood slats. Walk behind it. Worked well to get in range.

But the easiest is to learn to cow walk. Takes two. Guy #1 is the front of the cow, no arm swinging allowed, this is the preferred position. The back of the cow is guy #2. He places his hands on #1’s hips and his nose right about in the butt crack of #1. Walk like a cow, stop and start, show a side profile early to establish your bovine bonafides. Walking at a tangent to the target helps too. It actually works.
I remember listening to Remi Warren talk about this on Rogan's podcast. Sorrrrta makes sense for buffalo because they aren't going to see coyotes as a threat, but it sounds like a terrible idea for antelope and a great way to commit die.