Using a chronograph to track consistency

Feb 8, 2017
Hi all,

I've been working hard to get my confidence back with my trad gear lately and have been looking at ways I can be more consistency. I'm having a hard time holding and pulling through as long as I'd like so I was thinking about putting a string clicker on, but am always intimidated by that idea as I'm worried my draw length isn't consistent enough to get the most out of it, and I'm scared at the idea of how hard I'd have to work. Haha.

Anyway, I started shooting over a chronograph a little bit to see what sort of potential I have for consistency without the clicker and I'm fairly pleased with the results. I'll have to do some other things to work on my aim and hold in the future, but shooting over the chronograph so far has been fairly fun, and done a lot for my confidence.

Have a look at the video if that sounds interesting to you and let me know what you think.

