Use of Walkie Talkies in CO

You are correct, I have seen a crew of guys using them to guide in on animals, which I did report to F&G. That type of BS hurts all of us.
Yep, but some people believe what they want to believe and disregard the rest. Or they don't care if they become poachers.
the regs are obviously in reference to taking game how we take gane and what is legal to take game. You on the otherhand are clearly going to the extrene and trying to say I'm saying the regs apply to any and everything, which is rediculous, like sayingbyou can't breath because regs don't say you can.

Of cours radios can be used. However, if they are used for taking game it's clearly illegal. But, you're free to believe different.
So are you saying it's illegal in Colorado to use radios and or phones to aid in hunting big game?
Hmm... Arizona regs don't specifically list radios as a legal method of take yet people have been using them for decades and now cellphones for many years and yet no ones been cited for their use in using them to assist in the taking of game yet. That said I would deduce that they are both legal in assisting to take game in AZ. Some fuzzy logic happening in here. But I could just be confused all over again 😐
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You just need to read the regulations to answer that. Are radios and listed in the Colorado regs as a legal method of take?
I did. And even made a few calls. They are not a legal method of take (which I think is what your eluding to). But they are legal to use in the aid of taking game