It's interesting to see a lot of people liking and wearing load-bearing vests, I had an original Quilomene many, many years ago and didn't really care for it. I usually wear an older Columbia front and rear load vest. I also have a Filson strap vest but I only wear it when it's really hot and then I don't really care for upland hunting in that type of weather.
We've seen some pretty lean years in western KS so having the ability to carry a bunch of weight hasn't been an issue, I'm also not the greatest wingshooter. We drive to fields, hunt them and move on so even a really big field only may only account for a couple of hours away from the truck, most of the time it's less.
BothSpin off question, with these vests are people running water bladders or bottles?
Not to hijack, but where do you hunt? I have hunted around liberal and garden city once a year for a long time and it has been fairly good even these last few years. I had heard further north was less good though.