Upgrading Bino's - One Pair vs Two

High end 10x42 or 50 will really help. I own 12x’s unless they are on a tripod I wouldn’t use them that goes for anything 12 and up. 10’s are my fancy binos, I do keep mid tier 8’s, 12’s around but my go to are the 10’s unless I am timber hunting then the 8’s get taken
I ended up with 10x42 Zeiss Conquests. I'll probably look to get pair of 15 vultures or similar to take on a scouting trip to compare. If the 15's really shine I might upgrade to some Steiners or BX-5's or something in that under $1k price point.

Trying to find a bedded buck a mile away in 18 year old burn blowdown and new growth I really think the 15's will shine though.