Upgrading Bino's - One Pair vs Two

IMO a set of Kaibab’s 15’s or 18’s would work well for you. I love my 15’s and optic quality doesn’t always trump magnification. It really depends what you are using them for. A couple weeks ago my buddy and I were glassing a bull with our binos, we were about 2 miles away and my 15 Meostars were better in that situation than his new 12 NL’s. Not necessarily for general glassing but picking things apart.
I carry 10x42 Razors, Meostar 15x56’s and a Meostar S2 spotter, for big country glassing this is a great setup. I would never trade my 10’s and 15’s for the very best 12’s but am considering ditching the 10x for some 8.5 EL’s since I elk hunt in the timber and the 10’s are too much. I also think the 8.5’s would be awesome for close up brush glassing while shed hunting.
It all comes down to the country you will be glassing, I’d rather be over glassed than under glasses!
I run Viper 12s for everything and do really like them. From deer to coyotes to turkey to critter watching in the backyard.

BUT when I sit on the edge of a grain field and I can see that buck walking the opposite side…I wish I had a 15x to see him just a little bit better.

I’m looking to upgrade glass myself. Will shoot to up quality first and if I can squeeze a few more Xs on the power too, I probably will.

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Sell and Save and get better 10s, something with Japanese glass like maven or vortex or used SLCs

Don't get cheap 15s esp C series glass I have some c1s and vs my b2 9s their absolute garbage haha.

Sportsmans warehouse has Leupold bx5 10x42s for $800 and you get $10 gift card for every $100 you spend

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I really think you’re better off ditching your Diamondbacks and going from there. That’s a hardly serviceable bino.

Quality glass will make up for magnification (to a degree).
Funny enough, I just read the Optics section in @robby denning 's book where he repeats that mantra "buy the best glass you can afford". Since I put together a pretty expensive rifle set up (for me at least) this year, under $1000 is what I can afford. But I still want the low power/high power versatility. Glad to hear someone else likes this setup.

I know it's too late, but I'd rather have a Ruger American and Alpha glass than a Christensen Arms and Diamondbacks. Can't shoot what you can't find, and the Ruger is more than adquate for most scenarios.
I've used 10s and 12's. For me, not enough difference to justify carrying both. I'd go with the 15's. if you are going to move away from a spotter.
Option 1 - good quality 12’s are all you need if you have a good spotter. Run them off a tripod and you will find a ton of game.

Swaros are over rated.
I know you already wrote it off but there are some 12x50 razors HD's for sale in classifieds and I saw 10x Nikon HG both in your price range. Someone else also brought up the maven b2 11x45's. All 3 around $700ish.

Personally, I would wait to get 15x until you can step up to the $1200 price range (for used). Not worth the price for lower quality.
I know you already wrote it off but there are some 12x50 razors HD's for sale in classifieds and I saw 10x Nikon HG both in your price range. Someone else also brought up the maven b2 11x45's. All 3 around $700ish.

Personally, I would wait to get 15x until you can step up to the $1200 price range (for used). Not worth the price for lower quality.
I have some Santiam HD 15x56s and I would put them up against swaros any day. I have no idea why they don’t get more love. You can pick them up used for less than $1k.
I have some Santiam HD 15x56s and I would put them up against swaros any day. I have no idea why they don’t get more love. You can pick them up used for less than $1k.
I've seen the Santiams in my searches. Was wondering the same thing, no one mentions them. And they're on sale for $800 at Sportsmans right now... EDIT: nevermind, those were the 10x42's...inaccurate google search result
I've seen the Santiams in my searches. Was wondering the same thing, no one mentions them. And they're on sale for $800 at Sportsmans right now... EDIT: nevermind, those were the 10x42's...inaccurate google search result
They are really really good. I ran my 15 santiams next to my buddies 12x NL Pures for a week elk hunting. I never once felt like I needed to upgrade.
There are some Zeiss Conquest HD 15x56 for sale on OfferUp pretty close to me for $1200. Might check them out. Unfortunately, I'm still in fund raising mode!

(Anyone want to buy a Timney AR-15 drop in trigger to help out??)
Keep a eye on the Tract website and wait for some Toric demo's to pop up. The 15's are around $775 and equal the conquests imho. I picked up some Tract 12.5 x 50's demo's for around $550 and am very satisfied.
Now that's a brand I've definitely never heard of. Do they have a good reputation?
Yes. Do a google on them here. A couple ex-Nikon guys started up their own business. Kamakura Japan made optics w/Schott glass. Direct to consumer only. Been around maybe 8 years now. Very well made.
I have Meopta 10x42's now, and they are light years ahead of what you have (Vortex Diamondbacks). Optically, they are real close to the "Big Three", close enough where to me is doesn't matter. The one negative with them is the weight. I like less weight around my chest, so I am looking at the new Zeiss SFL's to use. I will keep the meopta as a truck/backup pair.
I agree with everything said here. I used 10x and 15x for a long time and loved the combo. All my hunting partners are now 15x converts as well. The only catch is that 15x may leave you wanting for some magnification at long distances. It would be worth looking to see if they make an optical doubler for the 15x and how it performs.

I always carried a spotter as well, and only got rid of that setup because I got tired of lugging 3 pieces of glass around.

I tried 12x as a way to replace both the 10 and 15, and got rid of them after 1 season. They didn’t have the oomph of the 15s on a tripod, and were not good enough freehand in tight quarters when still hunting or trying to relocate a buck on a stalk.
Thoughts on a 12x / 18x combo? I have the 18x Maven B.2s, a pair of 8x Monarch 7s, but debating getting the 12x NL.
Thoughts on a 12x / 18x combo? I have the 18x Maven B.2s, a pair of 8x Monarch 7s, but debating getting the 12x NL.
I would definitely stick with 8x of whatever flavor you want. They will be a lot easier to use freehand or while still hunting than 12s, and the wider FOV will be nice. You have the longer range stuff covered with the 18s, so the 8x will be more complimentary to those than 12x.

IMHO, if you have the flexibility to upgrade, I would look for some 8.5 ELs or similar before jumping up to 12x NL. I know a lot of guys like 12x, but about the only way I would consider that again is if that was the only optic I was able to carry. Even then I would probably go with 10x first. Just one opinion anyway! Good luck working through that process and try not to agonize over every single consideration. I know I did every time I bought or sold some glass since it was a huge deal at those prices…