Upgrades , what are you changing out in your pack for next year ?

Way cool... Any pics of final product? What did it end up weighing?

I'll have to take a few pics and weigh it. I did when I finished it but forgot. I removed the neoprene wrap on the legs, the hook for hanging weight, the feet swap and put a shorter stem that raises the base. Here is a pic of the new feet.

Looks like a good mod. Be interesting to see the before and after weights. Thanks for sharing.

I kept all the pieces I cut off so I will weigh it all. I think its down to 2lbs 9oz. Looking back through my texts to Littlebuf, I found that I had it down to 2lbs 12oz then I did the feet. I think I shaved close to a pound off total. Not sure how that compares to other tripods out there though. I will say so far its performed great. I really like that I can stand and glass with it.
need to get a smaller tripod. have a full size slik that I think I used standing up 1 time. going to switch to a tipi and stove and leave the 1 man tent at home. pair of puffy pants and drop the heavy fleece. lighter sleeping bag since I will be in a tipi. new forbes rifle and light scope. should be about a 5 pound weight loss. should be room for an extra 6 pack of old mill in the pack this year.
OR has the infinity warranty, send it back and they fix no questions asked period. Nothing wrong with a new puffy, but don't retire OR Stuff unnecessarily!

Pacific, I appreciate the advice. I contacted OR and let them know about how I beat the crap out of their jacket (burn holes and a bad barbed-wire fence incident). I sent the email and then was on the road for a meeting, so just found the response this afternoon.

They asked about size and color. I responded and they have a newer model shipping to me within 3-4 days (they got back to me witinin minutes). I just need to clean mine and send back. I can't give them a higher rating. I have never had a company take care of me so well. I abused (probably misused) their product and they are still going above and beyond.

I can't give enoughs props to OR.
Mtmiller that's awesome! Haven't had to use it myself but have always heard they stand 110% behind their product. Glad it worked out so well for you.
The Pats Backcountry beer bottle will definitely be a new addition. I've been working on kit improvements since elk season ended so I won't forget. New ED spotting scope and Slik ball head have been added to my existing tripod. The only things I need now are a pack lighter than the Eberlestock Warhammer and a Ti stove from Ed T or Ti Goat. LLamas might also be added to the kit to carry whiskey in and meat out haha
new boots

Getting a stiffer mountain boot, Kenetrek Hardscrabbles, for use above timberline. Need to replace a 0-degree sleeping bag and waiting to see what Kifaru may have in that department for the new year. Also, I need to replenish my supply of dry flies for fishing.

I really like the rest of my backpacking gear setup.

Oh, and I want to do a couple Jeep-based trips with my boys in 2014 and am thinking about a Kifaru 12 man tipi for that purpose.

Pretty happy with my ILBE pack system. I need a bino harness for sure! I just started leaving my cheap Burris Landmark spotter at home as I never used it when I had my binos. I may switch out my MSR international for a pocket rocket or a DIY alcohal stove, but at the minimum I will be getting an 11oz fuel bottle instead of the 20oz I currently have. Maybe a new sleep pad/s, the pad I currently use is a Coleman. Not sure of the model or anything. It's tough and comfortable enough, but I think there may be some weight savings as well as comfort to be gained here. I'm at about 65lbs and I'd like to get down to 50lbs. Not sure about my boots yet. I put about 14 full days of hiking on them this year (Rocky Portlands). I upgraded my socks to "Darn Tough Socks" which helped and also added some insoles. 5 miles and my feet are hurting, but that's also climbing 4000 vertical feet over rocky terrain. That may just be the nature of the beast....
I'm going from a supertarp to a tipi or a megatarp. Not sure yet. Going to be bringing a stove for heat and ditching my Primus ETA express (no complaints with the stove, just going to use the cylinder kifaru for multi purpose) Loved my 30 degree EE rev x, slept with it down into the teens (I did wear all my clothing, but I was warm.) and I might use an inflatable pad this year. I used a Thermarest SOLite foam pad. Decent comfort and no worries about deflation.
Another topic I'm struggling with is tarp vs tent. I mostly took a tarp and I never even used it during the early season. Then opening weekend of rifle season came and a pretty major storm came in and dumped 2-3" of snow on me while I was hunkered under my tarp! I didn't freeze, but it wasn't exactly comfortable either. After that, I carried my Big Agness Lynx pass 2 tent but the weight and space savings is significant with the tarp. I will probably stick to carrying the tarp during bow season, but I imagine the situation will repeat itself eventually.