Updates on Idaho Nonresident General Tags

Feb 2, 2022
Any recent updates on the new draw process for Idaho nonresidents? Will they be maintaining status quo first come first serve December tags or changing the system for the 2025 season?
Nothing I've seen yet but there's still plenty of time for if they do opt to change. I'd expect to see another year of the same madness
Nothing I've seen yet but there's still plenty of time for if they do opt to change. I'd expect to see another year of the same madness
Sure hope they don’t push the draw date back because it’s nice having it be the first opportunity of the season.
While at WAFWA I asked an IDFG this question and there is a lot of internal discussion with nothing to publicly release yet but they are aware theres an issue to fix. I also asked about standing in line and someone being able to buy tags for someone else to be added to the list.
While at WAFWA I asked an IDFG this question and there is a lot of internal discussion with nothing to publicly release yet but they are aware theres an issue to fix. I also asked about standing in line and someone being able to buy tags for someone else to be added to the list.

I but like 5 guys tags, which while convenient isn’t really fair. Should be purchases for family only.

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While at WAFWA I asked an IDFG this question and there is a lot of internal discussion with nothing to publicly release yet but they are aware theres an issue to fix. I also asked about standing in line and someone being able to buy tags for someone else to be added to the list.
What about guides having ppl in line at 3 diff fish and game offices buying tabs??
why would they do that? there is a lot of outfitter allocated tags just for guides and tons go unsold every year
I asked them the same question. Was told by both, I can not support my family or operation on just the tags that IDFG allots me.
The one guide was after 25 tags, this person was behind me in line. After I had my tag in hand, I asked this person if they had been successful. I was informed by her that the unit she was after had been sold out.
The Idaho "over the counter" tag process is such a broken system, and if the above comments are any indication, it seems to also be getting abused. It punishes hunters for server overloads and website crashes without recourse and makes it virtually impossible to hunt with a friend or family member. Ridiculous.
The Idaho "over the counter" tag process is such a broken system, and if the above comments are any indication, it seems to also be getting abused. It punishes hunters for server overloads and website crashes without recourse and makes it virtually impossible to hunt with a friend or family member. Ridiculous.
yup! and really they just need to make it a separate draw and then everyone can apply for what they want and also as groups so they can hunt together if they choose. There is still going to be underdrawn units and leftovers after the initial draw. Then set a date and just add those tags to the first return tag sale of the year and operate as they do now.
A draw with the price of the tag fronted and the cost of the license nonrefundable would be great.

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Its got its drawbacks for sure. But I for one kinda like it.
Multiple chances go get tags in left over draws. Sure it makes it hard for party or group planning, but in my experience if you’re diligent; you can get a tag. It may not be the one you wanted, but so it goes.
Overcrowding and tag allotment and point creep has to be combated somehow.
The best way to combat overcrowding is to hunt some place that actually has overcrowding.....then you can appreciate how good we have it.

There's simply more people and less land every year.