For western hunts, especially coues whitetail and bear, where we are glassing into the shadows, the sun creates glare the lower it gets. It is especially rough here in the Sonoran Desert where we hunt in southern Arizona and Mexico. If you've hunted the "grey ghost" you know...
My partner, Skinner developed the Sonoran Shade, and its on our website now. It weighs only 2.5 ounces, and has a lightweight foam so it keeps its shape. Its designed so that it can be used on binos, spotters, and even rifle scopes.
You don't need a sun shade that is a full circle, and in fact shading just the sun side is effective.

My partner, Skinner developed the Sonoran Shade, and its on our website now. It weighs only 2.5 ounces, and has a lightweight foam so it keeps its shape. Its designed so that it can be used on binos, spotters, and even rifle scopes.
You don't need a sun shade that is a full circle, and in fact shading just the sun side is effective.

Sonoran SunShade
Sonoran shade is a sun shade for binoculars when glassing toward the sun off a tripod, also called a sun shade, bino shade, glass, shade. Also works with spotting scopes, called a spotter shade.