Alaska has some big game laws that may be unique:
1) No published shooting hours for big game, as long as you can see it my natural light, you can shoot it.
2) No hunting of most big game species same day airborne. So if you take a bush plane into a remote camp, illegal to shoot until the next day.
3) Illegal to pack out the antlers unless all the meat has been packed out first.
4) You can bag an species of lesser value on your tag (if it is open season).
So for example, if you have a non-resident moose tag ($800), you could shoot a caribou or black bear instead as those tags are less than $800.
5) Nonresidents who hunt brown/grizzly bear, sheep, or goats must be personally accompanied in the field by
an Alaska-licensed guide OR an Alaska resident relative 19 years or older within second-degree of kindred** holding a current Alaska hunting license.
6) In some units, the quarters must be packed out bone-in. So for a moose hindquarter that is typically over 100 pounds.
7) An Alaska resident may proxy hunt caribou, deer, moose, or muskox, for another Alaska resident that is
blind, 70-percent physically disabled, 65 years of age or older, or are developmentally disabled.
8) Game animals taken in defense of life or property belong to the state.
If in defense of life or property, you kill a bear, wolf, wolverine, coyote, beaver, fox, lynx, mink, weasel, muskrat, marten or river otter, you must salvage the hide and skull and surrender them to the state.
If in defense of life or property, you kill a bison, caribou, deer, elk, moose, muskox, sheep, or mountain goat,
you must salvage horns or antlers and the meat and surrender them to the state.
9) It is illegal to use or being in immediate possession of urine from any species of the deer (Cervidae) family, including scent lures.
10) Alaska has youth-only big game hunts, some by draw, some open depending on big game species.
11) For residents free over the counter tags for black bear, grizzly bear, Dall sheep, caribou, moose, deer in some units.
12) Free tags for predators and liberal bag limits in some units.
In some units residents can harvest 3 black bears and no closed season on black bears.
In some units residents can harvest 2 grizzly bears from Aug 10 - June 30.
In some units grizzly bears may be baited in addition to black bears.
In some units 10 wolves can be harvested from Aug 1 - April 30.
13) Free hunting/fishing/trapping license for residents 60 years or older.
1) No published shooting hours for big game, as long as you can see it my natural light, you can shoot it.
2) No hunting of most big game species same day airborne. So if you take a bush plane into a remote camp, illegal to shoot until the next day.
3) Illegal to pack out the antlers unless all the meat has been packed out first.
4) You can bag an species of lesser value on your tag (if it is open season).
So for example, if you have a non-resident moose tag ($800), you could shoot a caribou or black bear instead as those tags are less than $800.
5) Nonresidents who hunt brown/grizzly bear, sheep, or goats must be personally accompanied in the field by
an Alaska-licensed guide OR an Alaska resident relative 19 years or older within second-degree of kindred** holding a current Alaska hunting license.
6) In some units, the quarters must be packed out bone-in. So for a moose hindquarter that is typically over 100 pounds.
7) An Alaska resident may proxy hunt caribou, deer, moose, or muskox, for another Alaska resident that is
blind, 70-percent physically disabled, 65 years of age or older, or are developmentally disabled.
8) Game animals taken in defense of life or property belong to the state.
If in defense of life or property, you kill a bear, wolf, wolverine, coyote, beaver, fox, lynx, mink, weasel, muskrat, marten or river otter, you must salvage the hide and skull and surrender them to the state.
If in defense of life or property, you kill a bison, caribou, deer, elk, moose, muskox, sheep, or mountain goat,
you must salvage horns or antlers and the meat and surrender them to the state.
9) It is illegal to use or being in immediate possession of urine from any species of the deer (Cervidae) family, including scent lures.
10) Alaska has youth-only big game hunts, some by draw, some open depending on big game species.
11) For residents free over the counter tags for black bear, grizzly bear, Dall sheep, caribou, moose, deer in some units.
12) Free tags for predators and liberal bag limits in some units.
In some units residents can harvest 3 black bears and no closed season on black bears.
In some units residents can harvest 2 grizzly bears from Aug 10 - June 30.
In some units grizzly bears may be baited in addition to black bears.
In some units 10 wolves can be harvested from Aug 1 - April 30.
13) Free hunting/fishing/trapping license for residents 60 years or older.