There is no bravado. I took no hardline stance saying everyone should shoot at long range. I said it can be done, which there is a lot of evidence to prove so. I also wasn’t the one throwing out insinuation that I was shooting a mechanical like it’s an insult.
I personally think it’s unethical for people to buy a bow off rack and shoot arrows out of box from same ones. The same people who don’t do any tuning.
I also think it’s unethical for a person to launch an arrow when they have buck fever and are shaking before the shot. I’ve seen more wounded animals inside of 30yds from people unable to control emotions.
Ethical hunts are subjective. Is it more ethical to put a 338RUM into shoulder of an elk than a .308? Is it more ethical to shoot an animal with a rifle than a bow? Is it more ethical to kill an animal at 40yds with a compound over a traditional bow at 20yds?
Each one or those represents a greater likelihood of a dead animal than before, but no one thinks any of those are any less ethical.