UltraPE 400 vs Cordura 500d

Dec 14, 2020

In my search for a pack for this season I have stumbled upon Seek Outside's line of packs. The packs seem really great and very lightweight. Other than the lack of color choices, I am not really finding any downsides to their packs. I know one of the biggest differences between them and other packs is the type of fabric they use. It looks really good being waterproof and lightweight, and I know it is quieter and more abrasion resistant than X-42. I am wondering how it compares to regular old 500d in terms of durability and noise? Is it quieter, louder, louder when cold... etc?

I know this might be like comparing apples and oranges...

Nov 21, 2016
I have a Seek Outside Unaweep in the UltraPE and a Kuiu IconPro thats in Cordura. Durability and waterproofness goes to the UltraPE by a long shot. I’ve owned my Kuiu for about 4 years now and it has soaked through in fairly serious thunderstorms. It’s also starting to get tears and holes in some of the higher wear areas. I’ve owned the SO since spring and have taken it it on quite a few scouting and family backpacking trips this summer. Even had it in a fairly long and heavy thunderstorm and nothing in the pack has been affected. As far as durability, time will tell but I haven’t exactly babied this pack and it looks like the day I opened the box from the factory.

As for noise, the cordura is quieter, but I gotta say the UltraPE is starting to soften up and it’s not loud like the XPac fabric.

I’m extremely happy with my SO in the Ultra fabric. I even think the charcoal color is pretty badass and unique. Also not a camo backpack kinda guy either.

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Mar 28, 2017
Morrison, Colorado
From a brushing across it perspective such as rubbing a branch, I don't think there is any difference. Wrinkling it like if you are rolling the top it is a little noisier than unbacked cordura but similar to a backed or coated cordura.

On paper the ultraPE specs out like robocop and there really isn't a downside to the material itself. Lee told me that his cleaning method for blood was to let it dry and then brush the flakes off; that's better than xpac in my experience. I also understand that cut resistance was the reason for choosing 400 over 200 in that the latter test packs ended up with cuts from rock on some hunts which is a different mechanism than abrasion.

I wouldn't buy a cordura pack for sure, and would have to get a screaming deal on xpac.