Type S dies for dummies

Aug 14, 2016
Great Falls MT
So I decided to be one of the cool kids and try a bushing die for the first time. I've been using standard dies for a long time. But now I know the S stands for like I expected.

I've watched every YouTube movie and even found the owners manual online. I've since trashed about six pieces of brass.

Oh and now I guess the recapping stim of wrecked.

How the actual f bomb does this piece of work? Is this the right order of the turds to make the giant turf minus the fubar decapping pin?
I lift a shell up with the die backed out then screw the die in until it makes contact then add another half turn or whatever YouTube said. And I crush the shoulder. Do these just not work in a Dillion press? I know I'm retarted but frick!

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S stands for Speedy. Hall of fame BR shooter. If you’re crushing the shoulder, maybe try backing the die out.

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Never used a Dillon but I screw the type S die FL dies to depth to control shoulder bump the same as I do any other FL sizing die.
You really shouldn't be using a expander button with a bushing die anyway. Using the expander button with a bushing die kind of defeats the purpose of using a specific size bushing to get the exact neck tension you're trying to achieve. If the expander button is smaller then what your bushing is leaving for an inside neck diameter and never touches the neck on the down stroke I suppose it's ok to leave it on there but I always remove the expander button and replace it with the decapping pin retainer that generally comes with a Redding bushing type die.

If the decapping stem bottoms out on the inside of the case then you need to screw the stem up inside the threaded end further until it's no longer bottoming out inside the case.

Is this a FL bushing die or a bushing neck size only die? Regardless of which one it is if you're crushing the shoulder you need to back the die out more than just a little. Getting any kind of sizing die dialed in is always more than just a set it and forget kind of thing.
You really shouldn't be using a expander button with a bushing die anyway. Using the expander button with a bushing die kind of defeats the purpose of using a specific size bushing to get the exact neck tension you're trying to achieve.
Depends, some use bushing dies just to minimize over working of the necks. Makes sense to me to get uniform neck ID vs OD by expanding slightly in some manner after neck sizing. That said, I have loaded a whole bunch ammo with type s dies, no expander, with unturned necks but quality brass and had good results too.
Your bushing is directional - part number usually goes down. If the sharp edge side of the bushing is down the neck may be hanging up on it.
I'm with @TradLife406, F those Type S dies.
Tried one for my 6.5 CM today. Wouldn't bump the shoulder back at all.

Then It started bumping them back 10 thou + after I trimmed down a shell holder. Then a case got stuck and expander mandrel was stuck from the other side. Ended up breaking the decapping rod. Used a punch to try and get the case out. That got stuck too.

Felt good to finally throw that POS in the garbage. 🤣

Back to the standard Redding FL die.

I don’t use the expander, and adjust the bump using the Redding shell holders with varying bump. Has worked well for this subpar Reloader.

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Watch the YouTube videos by Sam Millard, panhandle precision. He used to be apart of the forum/moderators. Very knowledgeable. Easy to watch

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Absolutely no issues with Redding S dies. Been using them for decades. I never use the expander button, no need to because you’ve got bushing size choices to get where you need to go. :)
I'm with @TradLife406, F those Type S dies.
Tried one for my 6.5 CM today. Wouldn't bump the shoulder back at all.

Then It started bumping them back 10 thou + after I trimmed down a shell holder. Then a case got stuck and expander mandrel was stuck from the other side. Ended up breaking the decapping rod. Used a punch to try and get the case out. That got stuck too.

Felt good to finally throw that POS in the garbage. 🤣

Back to the standard Redding FL die.

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Seems like you might have gotten an out of spec die? It should've functioned no differently than a standard FL sizing die.

Based upon some comments above it's my opinion this video will help. Recommend watching it twice and then make your own workforce based upon what you are trying to achieve.