Two weeks out

Nov 28, 2018
Upcoming scouting trip with my son. We will spend 10 days in Utah around the south and north slope for his general youth bull tag. I have 2-3 spots planned out and hopefully when we get there we can find 1-2 more areas to explore. We have heard everything from this is hard, shoot the 1st elk you see, to hold out for something nice. It’s his tag so it’s his decision. I learned long ago not to try and talk him into something.
If anyone has any last minute advance on areas to check or anything about elk hunting that applies to Utah. Going to leave the rhino at home and just drive the Tacoma and hike in to areas. Bringing both a main and spike camp set up for scouting. This will more than likely be the only trip we make before the season so I really need to get it dialed in the best we can when we are there. Kid is a heck of a hunter already so if there are elk somewhere we will put the effort in to get on them
Upcoming scouting trip with my son. We will spend 10 days in Utah around the south and north slope for his general youth bull tag. I have 2-3 spots planned out and hopefully when we get there we can find 1-2 more areas to explore. We have heard everything from this is hard, shoot the 1st elk you see, to hold out for something nice. It’s his tag so it’s his decision. I learned long ago not to try and talk him into something.
If anyone has any last minute advance on areas to check or anything about elk hunting that applies to Utah. Going to leave the rhino at home and just drive the Tacoma and hike in to areas. Bringing both a main and spike camp set up for scouting. This will more than likely be the only trip we make before the season so I really need to get it dialed in the best we can when we are there. Kid is a heck of a hunter already so if there are elk somewhere we will put the effort in to get on them

Will you be bringing a ATV or will you be on foot? I'm assuming you you have a 4 WD vehicle?
Come across any good mule deer on south slope let me know! Good luck scouting, I’ll be there in August, if I come across any elk I’ll let you know.
I have an atv and rhino but I think for the scouting trip I might just bring my Tacoma and a couple spares. I am pretty sure I get where I need to be with it. I plan to mostly be on foot don’t really like hunting from atvs.
I will let you know if I see any bucks. We will be packing in a couple days up high so we should see some bucks