Turkey vest


Sep 7, 2020
I've been using my SG pack the past couple of years. But I'd like something that allows me get at my calls easier and allows me to move quicker when I need get closer to a bird. It's kind of a chore packing up each time I need to move. Thx Pete
Loving the Sitka vest, has an over looked bird carrier that works well and unless you are a kitchen sink kinda guy it holds plenty of calls etc.

Have not had hands on KUIU or Firstlite yet.

I have a Knight and Hale RNG200, works really good as well, mostly on par with the Sitka but not quite, I added a couple Molle pouches to mine when I used it, it has a nice decoy tote system if you use a decoy, I don't much anymore but I may try and rig it to my Sitka somehow.
I got one from Tidewe last year. Love it. It’s heavy, but it’s got the kick stand that allows you to setup with a backrest without needing a tree. If you’re not covering lots of ground i think it’s a great option.
I bounce between the Sitka vest and an FHF chest rig. End up back with the vest mainly for the seat but the added storage can be handy. I also put a little bracket thing on the shoulder strap that keeps my decoy bag strap from sliding off.
I use an old vest/jacket bought from Cabela’s probably 20 years ago. Has a bird carrier on it and I took off the seat a long time ago. Plenty of pockets but I only carry one box call, 2 slates, and a couple of diaphragms. The rest of the pockets are for gloves, face mask, water bottles, and a few snacks. The sleeves zip on and off to make a jacket or vest. The jacket is nice on those cold mountain mornings chasing Merriams.
I’ve tried alps, moved to a chief upland and now I run the tethrd M2. The M2 is perfect for me. It’s got enough space for basics of what I like to carry but it’s light and very slim profile. I can easily forget I’m wearing it. Not cheap but you’ll use it for a long time.
You’re going to have to pack up anything. The calls I think I’m going to use start coming out before my headnet is down. It’s part of using a variety of calls.

Try to find an old camo bird vest with lots of pockets, internal and external, they are light and easy to pack. Run your backrest/but saver clipped to your belt.
T&K has a sweet bino pouch thats setup for turkey calls/hunting.

That may just do the trick. I too use a packframe as I hike a lot and hunt mountain birds.
I've got a Final Rise sidekick turkey vest. I have a summit and some accessory pockets too, so I change up the pockets/water bottle holders depending on the hunt.
I ditched the vest a few years back for a glenda green satchel. I'll not go back to a vest. My hunting is all run and gun public land. I carry very minimal gear and no decoys. Usually just a diaphragm call, a pot, and a trumpet. Rangefinder, shells, a small turkey tote, some water and a compass. It all fits nicely in the satchel.
I picked up the Alps Pro Impact last year and like it.
Camp type seat/padding allows you to set up just about anywhere, very comfortable, plenty of room for calls, etc. and can put a water bladder in the back. I've been pleased with it.
My hunting typically on Public ends up being 7 mile days, and it's been good to me.
Cabelas Tactical Tat'r(old style) if you can find one. Lots of people going to a Glenda Green these days but she is swamped with work. Also, a lot of the bino harness companies are making chest pack type things aimed at turkey hunters. If you want to ball out, try and find a Bob Dixon vest.