Turkey Shotguns for Small Game?


Jun 22, 2020
Wondering if anyone's using shotguns specifically marketed as turkey guns for hunting other small game. Specifically, I've been looking at the Mossberg 500 Turkey and Weatherby Element Turkey both in 20ga. Seems like a good all around choice for the kind of hunting I do in OR - short to prevent getting hung up in blackberry thickets on the west side of the Cascades chasing quail and grouse, nice and light for covering miles in the desert on the east side going after rabbits. I know a longer gun would swing more smoothly, but I'm alright with quick points and snap shots. I'm also partial to turkey chokes for rabbits and squirrels, where I wind up with stationary shots just as often as moving ones and I can afford to aim and minimize meat damage.

Anyone have any experience with short shottys, or those models in particular? I've heard the Element can be picky with light loads, any truth to that? Anyone hunting with a pump gun and wishing they had a semi?
I used to use a Remington 870 Special Purpose 12 gauge for everything. Full camo, 21 in barrel. It isn't made anymore. Fantastic gun that shot turkey, geese, and upland birds. It fit great and I shot it very well. Ended up relegating it to a home defense role as neck issues forced me into a semi auto to reduce recoil.
No reason not to use a short barreled gun to hunt small game, and would be better for your style hunting. 20 gauge would be fine for turkey with quality loads and easily handle any small game. I shot a regular Mossberg 500 for years with no issues. No experience with the Weatherby. The beauty of these less expensive guns is that if you don't shoot it well you can sell and try another without losing a bunch of money.
If you’re installing an extra full choke for turkey I’d take it out after that activity and switch to MOD or IMOD for squirrel and rabbits for running shots but…that’s what the short gun is limiting for you…less follow thru will occur because the weight of a longer barrel would carry your barrel swing.

I have one 24” “Turkey” gun and I can hit clays with it but it takes effort and I have to consciously “whip it” to pull away from the target.

My vote for an inexpensive pump is the Benelli Nova or Supernova.
I have the Mossberg 500 410 ga turkey model. And Mossberg SA 410 ga turkey model. Using a full choke for squirrel hunting. I use a modified for quail. Turkey hunting i use a Indian Creek XF. I use them turkey squirrel quail and crow hunting. The 500 model 410 i have killed a bunch of Squirrels with it. I reload for my 410. I reload 410 3 inch in 5 or 6's for squirrels. For quail and crows i load 3 inch 7.5 shot. Fixing to buy the Mossberg SA 28 ga turkey model. I have a Tristar G2 Viper 28ga. I squirrel hunt with it too.
sure why not
I mean, the question wasn’t “would you or wouldn’t you do this” it was “is anyone doing this”. Hoping for folks’ first hand experience so I can figure out what to expect. Kind of the same reason the 223 mega thread exists

If you’re installing an extra full choke for turkey I’d take it out after that activity and switch to MOD or IMOD for squirrel and rabbits for running shots but…that’s what the short gun is limiting for you…less follow thru will occur because the weight of a longer barrel would carry your barrel swing.

I have one 24” “Turkey” gun and I can hit clays with it but it takes effort and I have to consciously “whip it” to pull away from the target.

My vote for an inexpensive pump is the Benelli Nova or Supernova.
Tbh I don’t wind up taking that many smoothly swung running shots, it’s a lot of snap shooting. Rabbits in sagebrush tend to do a lot of zig zagging, and swings in the woods where I hunt grouse are very very short. That said I imagine I’ll be doing an awful lot of rounds on the clays course to get used to things.

FWIW, decided on that 22” Weatherby. Will be running around with it for rabbits, grouse, and chukkar till Feb. Will give an update post season.
I don't have a turkey specific gun. I did have a Rem 1187 composite that I used for waterfowl. Sold it as it was just not reliable. I went to a 12-gauge Benelli Nova as a backup and now it is primary for waterfowl and turkey. My preferred small game gun is still my 12-gauge Winchester Model 12, made around 1925/26. Modified barrel. Light, thin, easy to point for upland birds and squirrel. My little .410 bolt action with a full choke is still the best squirrel gun you can find :)

For brush busting, I would go for a shorter barrel, lighter weight pump action 20 or 12-gauge. Even wing shooting with that Nova is a chore, just long, thick and heavy-ish compared to the old model 12.
FWIW, decided on that 22” Weatherby. Will be running around with it for rabbits, grouse, and chukkar till Feb. Will give an update post season.
you already decided, but it'll be fine. My first shotgun was a mossberg 500 20ga that I bought in 1983 for $100. It had a 28" modified fixed choke barrel on it. It was great on the trap range, I'd often break 20+/25 at 16yard trap with it, but was too tightly choked for grouse. With ruffed grouse being the main quarry, a couple years later I ended up getting a 24" barrel with choke tubes. My brother still owns that gun and it was his only shotgun for 30+ years, now his kids use it. After decades of nerding out on shotguns and wingshooting it would not be my first choice for a bird hunting gun. Even "snap" shooting, having some weight forward is very helpful, so these days I actually prefer fairly long barrels even in extremely thick brush when there's only a brief moment to make a shot. BUT either of those guns will absolutely work fine. Just get an IC-ish choke for the brushy stuff, maybe Mod if you are in open country, and you'll be fine. You can worry about balance and momentum and all that if you start geeking-out on this stuff.
The same applies to all types of shooting: Shoot a lot and get comfortable with the gun. I still shoot the same 12 ga 870 with a 20ish-inch barrel I bought 20+ years ago. I try to shoot loads that are around 1450 fps and change the choke and shell size out depending on what and where I am hunting.

I just hunted last weekend for pheasants on a game farm. Most everyone else has multiple high-end guns that they hunt with. I took some heat for my cheap gun with the finish worn off, and some rust speaks on it, shooting steel 4s. By the end of the day, I had downed or cleaned up over half the birds.