Turkey Grand Slam

I need an Oceola and I aint paying $3000 to hunt in Florida!!!! I got drawn once in Green Swamp West but it was 3rd week and VERY hard. Now I only apply for 1st week, but so does everybody else. Floida fish and game web site is not the best! I still haven't figured out how preference points work???
All I like is the Merriam. Killed several western Rio's on guided hunts. Hunt Easterns all the time in my home state and been to Florida once and got a public land Osceola.
I finished my slam last year in Florida on some public. Actually killed 3 of the 4 last year alone but didn’t make a trip to finish out the slam. It’s cool I guess but mostly I just like to hunt turkeys as much as possible. It was cool to kill my Osceola but Florida public land is truly not very fun. I’m sure I’ll be back to try it again at some point though

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I don't have a single season but I do have a grand slam and I have also killed a goulds in AZ about 15 years ago so I guess that's a royal. I have had several years that I killed Merriam's, Rios, and Easterns. Osceolas and Goulds are just a bit to far for me to travel very often.
I have several slams and most years actually tag 3 of the 4. Funny enough, I live in Osceola country so tag one of those every year. Will eventually add the Goulds, Ocellated, and go for a single season. I have two ultimate goals: 1st is to actually do a single season World slam. The year I finally draw a Goulds tag I’m going to attempt it.

2nd is to bag a bird in every state. Alaska might make it tricky ;)

Love hunting all turkeys but prefer open country Merriam's and Rios. Way more vocal and fun to call. I do a 6 day backpacking Merriam and trout fishing trip every year. Mid day run and gun with those is a blast. Honestly least favorite is Osceola, even though it’s my local bird. Super quiet, not typically vocal on the ground, and everyone and their brother is trying to complete their slam on limited public land — so pressure is high.
I guess i never posted in this thread that i did kill a couple oscellated. Going in i thought it might be a strange hunt and maybe one to just get them all. But it was a great time. Called birds in 3 of 4 sits. Would do it again for sure