You not active with any of your state trad groups or regional groups? How far are you from The Nocking Point in Stillwater? I order stuff from them quite a bit and chat with them at the trad shoots I see them at.Here in s.e. okla, the archery stores are ALL geared towards the wheelie stuff.
Talk to the people at the shop and see when the trad guys come in and shoot. Before Covid the “old guys” would shoot every Friday morning. All off Them would love to help out. I’m guessing there is a group of guys like that at most ranges.
Much appreciated! I’m there. Wherever I need to be and whatever I need to do!! Many thanksSeveral good shops in TN with lots of trad knowledge. It isn't that difficult to find one in almost any area unless your shops just suck. OP, you need to go up to TwinOaks outside of Clarksville. Not sure if they are going to cancel the IBO Worlds Trad shoot in July or not. Best trad shooters in the country will be there if the shoot stays on. Visitors can go to their club every Friday and Saturday during normal times, may want to check what their setup is now. Bobby Worthington lives in Pikeville he's been an IBO champ multiple times. Several clubs in your area have trad shooters that I used to shoot against at the state shoots. SE TN/N GA there's a strong trad shooting community. You have to decide how bad you really want to improve.
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