Well, buckle in, I'll give you a new perspective. I was supposed to be on a goat hunt on Kodiak in March. I figured I could squeeze in a hunt at the end of my wife's maternity leave. My hunting partner had to cancel on me last minute. Well, instead of hunting mountain goats, I was at my baby daughter's funeral. She passed away from SIDS in her sleep at 3 months old. I can't imagine if I was hunting. I don't think I could let myself live right now if I was hunting. Even though it happened and there is nothing we could've done, just the though of prioritizing something like hunting over my daughter and missing a week of her life makes me sick.
Is it worth being gone and missing out? It is worth potentially pushing your wife to exhaustion, ultimately putting your child in danger? Is it worth potentially putting your child in danger by packing her up above 8K shortly after the recommended waiting period? I'll try not to judge anyone for their answers, but I damn sure know mine.
I'm not saying you need to live your life as if it could all come crashing down. You shouldn't. But even if fatherhood wasn't a choice, it's your primary now. Don't take parenting advice and especially hunting/parenting advice from this site. I've seen A LOT of tough guy nonsense about both parenting and marriage from this place. If I'm lucky enough to have another child, I will cancel all my overnight trips for at least 4-5 months with a smile on my face.
Priorities have changed. Step up to the plate and be a ******* man.