try and stay calm...


Mar 4, 2013
Things that'll make you see red.

I'm working up loads for a new 6.5x284. Using RL23 I've got velocity up to a point that's still conservative for barrel length but acceptable. Primers are starting to flatten but not bad, bolt lift and other indicators are fine except for ejector marks. So I take 5 once fired cases and was planning to load and shoot them until primer pockets loosened to see if it's actually a hot load or not. Spray them with one shot and set the sizing die up since it's the first time I've used it. Kinda distracted I put the first one through and about halfway through the ram stroke it was like oh shit, but I was committed and sunk her down before my brain could say stop. I figured I'd rip the case head off but instead on the upstroke I ended up tearing the handle out of the press. It was only engaged by about 2.5 threads and over the years as it backed out I'd just snug up the jam nut, never realizing how shallow it was getting. So the cast threads just crumbled. Now I was pretty mad. Thread the handle into the other side of the press and rip the case head off. Out comes the stuck case remover. Can't budge it. Try to get some kroil in there and nope. Throw it in the freezer and go eat supper. Heat the body up and nope. Sit on the bench and pull back up towards myself and something gives.

Not cool but I'm lh so I've no intention of using the press with the handle on the left side. I was able to clean the threads up and thread it back in on the right side with no jam nut. Press is fixed but it's not getting the case out and I don't want to damage it anymore.
Think on it awhile and build a jig.

Fully expect to either shear the 1/4-20 threads in the case or just break the 1/4-20 bolt. Start giving each side about an 1/8 of a turn trying to keep the pressure even. It gets pretty tight and then she gets really tight taking quite a bit to turn the 1/2" nuts. Finally it pops and I figured I'd sheared the bolt. But luckily the case had let loose.
I had to disassemble it all and get it all assembled back in the press so I could pull the case over the expander. Put way more lube on all the other cases and ran them through without further issue.
Kinda distracted I put the first one through and about halfway through the ram stroke it was like oh shit, but I was committed and sunk her down before my brain could say stop.

This ^ is a good reminder to not force anything past the "oh shit" resistance stage. Thanks for sharing.
I have plenty of lubes to use. This was just complacency. With a virgin die that didn't have any residual lube in it, and a very straight walled case.

I hadn't seen the new case removers, looks like everyone went to basically the same design. The one I have is an older hornady and it has a studded piece that goes in the shell holder and uses the press to pull it out, in theory. With the new ones how do you pull the case mouth over the expander?
I have plenty of lubes to use. This was just complacency. With a virgin die that didn't have any residual lube in it, and a very straight walled case.

I hadn't seen the new case removers, looks like everyone went to basically the same design. The one I have is an older hornady and it has a studded piece that goes in the shell holder and uses the press to pull it out, in theory. With the new ones how do you pull the case mouth over the expander?
Video here. Use the screw to pull it through the mouth then remove the decap assembly when you can. I've bent the pin like the person did in the video, just buy extras to keep on hand.
Wow would I be pissed off if I broke my press like that. lol

I couldn't look at that.....too OCD

I would have to replace. lol

When I get a case severely stuck like that I evenly heat up the die with a propane torch and tap the brass out of there with my decapping pin....Which almost always destroys it. lol

Die wax saves my emotions from running wild.... its the only way. lol
I've resized many 1000's of rounds with one shot. It's just to easy to use. I fully acknowledge user error and complacency on my part.

The point of the thread was most of us have resorted to brute force to try and solve a problem, and we can laugh at ourselves.
I've resized many 1000's of rounds with one shot. It's just to easy to use. I fully acknowledge user error and complacency on my part.

The point of the thread was most of us have resorted to brute force to try and solve a problem, and we can laugh at ourselves.
I too have loaded 1000's of rounds with One Shot. I think I'm on my 3rd can in like 5 years. LOL It's easy and one can lasts a long time. I've stuck exactly one case, but figured out how to remove it easily enough.

One Shot is also what I use for the final coat when I bed an action. Always works great.