Truck Camping recommendations

I liked the idea of these but thought the doors design for entry/exit would be annoying. How do you like that?
The door design is not awesome by any means but not a deal breaker, one spot I set up near a tree and tied the rain fly off high so it gave a little extra space going in and out.

I did notice I would get some dirt and sand on the zipper if I wasn't carefull and it made the zipper hang up a little but not terrible.

With the window, door and roof design ventilation is not an issue!
I have been using SO 8 man tipi for the last several years. I finally had the same contemplation as you. I want something faster and easier to set up than a tipi and more bombproof for truck camping.

I have been set on the Wilderness Ridge Llamas tents for the last month. Then I came upon the Ellis Shackleton tent. I think I have switched to that. It is much heavier, but for truck camping I am not concerned. I like the layout, how the stove is in the middle of the tent, and a 10-15 min set up time is much less than trying to get the pitch just right on a tipi.

Not cheap, but buy once, cry once.
coyoye_out, sounds like a springbar tent type tent or a bell tent might be what you are after. Lots of size options in those 2.

Id' say if you are on the fence about stove/no stove, then go with the stove option. You can always use it without a stove but nice to have the capability.
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I bought the smallest springbar tent from Kodiak Canvas (8.5ft x 6ft) over a year ago just to try out a canvas tent again. It had been years since I had used one and thought I’d occasionally use this one. It’s $399 now, but I bought it new for less than $300 including tax. Between me and my kids, we’ve used it for over 30 nights so far. I’m also strongly considering a 14x10 model to truck hunt out of. The only downside to the smaller one is it’s only 4ft tall, but it’s a nice tent to have in the arsenal and we even ran an electric heater in it at a camping spot when the temps dipped down into the 20’s last year. I can set it up in less than 5 minutes now that I have the hang of it.

Here’s the 8.5x6 model:

Good luck!
I was in the same situation and wanted something other than a wall tent. I ended buying a snowmobile trailer and building bunkes and a kitchen inside. I also insulated it.

I can hook up and go. No need to worry about dragging dirt in just sweep it out. No plumbing or tanks outside to freeze up. No worry about bitter cold wind blowing at night. Heat it with a Big Buddy heater.

So much less hassle than a tent!! Only negative is that it does cost more gas to take it but we split that up and it's worth it.

If I hadn't taken my battery powered Kidde Carbon Monoxide Detector I don't think I'd be here today. I've never had this problem camping with the Buddy Heater in my canvas Kodiak tent. I wont use the Buddy heater in the Gazelle again.
Good foresight on your part and it seems that having a built in CO detector on these little heaters would be a great option to have. I'd pay the extra to have it all-in-one.
Good foresight on your part and it seems that having a built in CO detector on these little heaters would be a great option to have. I'd pay the extra to have it all-in-one.
In the trailer I described above we do run a CO detector as well. They are cheap. Why not play it safe.

I have a Gazele T3. I love it for solo trips and one nighters. As you posted it takes longer to get it out of the bag than to set it up. I took it on a solo scouting trip late last November near Flagstaff AZ. I was prepared for single digit tems with my Little Buddy heater. The first night I had the little Buddy on low and was sleeping like a baby when the Carbon Monoxide detector went off about 3am. I jumped out of my sleeping bag and tried to unzip the door but it was frozen shut. I had the zipper on 2 of the windows open about 12"s for ventilation but the condensation from my breath and the propane stove covered the mesh ceiling vents and window screens and then froze over sealing me in. If I hadn't taken my battery powered Kidde Carbon Monoxide Detector I don't think I'd be here today. I've never had this problem camping with the Buddy Heater in my canvas Kodiak tent. I wont use the Buddy heater in the Gazelle again.

I had CO issues with the heater in a rental camper last year and it was a pain. A buddy loaned me an electric heater and made life significantly nicer.

Does your buddy heater have a built in CO monitor?
I have been using kodiac canvas's swag bag for truck camping and its amazing. I can set up and take down in less then 2 min. I love the mattress inside and it gets so warm I don't need a heater. It also breathes really well for summer camping. Swag bags are big In Australia and they have there tradeoffs but for solo hunting out of a truck where I am breaking camping daily its the way to go.
Another vote for the Kodiak Canvas. Had mine for about 5 years. Getting probably 20-30 days of use per year. Had it stand up in everything from snow storms, thunder storms dumping inches of rain, winds in excess of 40mph, and the only issue is some sag in the front awning.

No stove for us. We plug a buddy heater into a 25lb propane tank and during 3rd season this year, that thing kept the tent above 60* for 5 nights in a row without exhausting the tank.

At this point, setup is down to less than 10mins and with 3 guys its less than 5.
That seek outside courthouse seems like a really intriguing option to me. Sounds similar to what you’re looking for as well. Just pricey
And unfortunately the company is run by an Anti-2A blowhard. I had the same tent picked out when all that came out.... very disappointing. I'll probably go with a traditional canvas tent made here in Montana.

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And unfortunately the company is run by an Anti-2A blowhard. I had the same tent picked out when all that came out.... very disappointing. I'll probably go with a traditional canvas tent made here in Montana.

Sent from my SM-G998U1 using Tapatalk
I currently use a Kodiak canvas and have been super happy with it. A great option forsure. Just heavy and bulky as many have said here