Going along with tyeager above, if I am trying to make a quick call on a score I will add tine and beam length estimates for one side, double it, add an estimate for width and add 30 for mass. That will get you a close rough estimate. Then if the deer has better than avg mass add 5. if the deer is real spindly subtract 3.
Sounds like you may be hunting a managed property and if that is the case, I would be more concerned with field judging for age rather than score. There look at things like where the neck hits the brisket when the deers head is up. Neck hits at the brisket then you are most likely looking at a fully mature deer. Other characteristics would be size of front shoulders in relation to the hind quarters, back/belly sway.
In my experience, you kinda have to study on a good 3yo and sometimes 4yo's. You may look and think well he checks most of the boxes, I think he is mature, ah well maybe. If a good 5yo+ shows up they will look like a tank compared to the others. Confidence in field judging for age an score takes looking at a lot of live deer and even then you will still get them wrong occasionally.