Trophy Elk: What's it to YOU

Feb 17, 2013
I think it goes without saying that a 350 inch bull is a trophy in anyone’s book. If it isn’t take me hunting where you hunt and I’ll shoot the little ones.

I keep seeing that 300 number. I know that a lot of guys on here know what a 300 inch bull looks like. But a lot of newer hunters do not.

For 12 years I did outdoor shows all over the east selling guided hunts in western Montana. I had a bull in my booth. I considered it to be a very realistic expectation for anyone who booked a hunt with me. Some outfitters have giant bulls on display that any of their hunters would be extremely lucky to even lay eyes on. Ancient bulls. Sometimes elk that weren’t even killed in their area. Anyway, the one I had has really nice fronts. Very good thirds as well. The fourth points are just average. The backend was small. Over the years I had countless hunters point at that elk and say to me “if I could get a 300 inch bull like that I would be happy“. I would say are you going to be a happy hunter if you kill an elk like this one? They would say yes and then I told him that it scored 270 inches. It was officially measured and in the Pope and Young book at 263 after deductions..

As long as a bull isn’t a little scraggly little raghorn 6, any 6 point bull is worth shooting every year on public land in a general license or OTC unit. I’ve passed up my share of bulls but never a 6 point. I consider it a good mature representative animal for the species.

And every time I read a post from guys that say yep I killed a 300 incher, I can’t help but think I wonder what that bull actually taped at.
Sep 22, 2024
My only bull, killed just last year, measured 339. If it would have scored 250 I still would have been overwhelmed w excitement. It was a hunt I’ll never forget, the whole experience and not just the harvest. I try to take everything into consideration.

Also, realizing I’m gonna have a hard time topping my first. But, I’ll try..


Sep 5, 2024
I’ve never hunted elk, have read about it for years. But am going to Montana next season and Wyoming a couple after that. What does a 300” bull trult look like. I know that isn’t on of a lifetime for a lot , but for perspective. As someone above said that number is thrown around all the time. What does a 350 look like?


Jun 13, 2019
A bull that is 9-12 years old is a trophy in a good unit.

A bull tha is 6-8 years old is a trophy in an above average unit.

A bull that is 4-6 years old is a trophy in a below average unit.

Any rag horn or spike is a trophy in a bad unit.


Dec 31, 2012
To put my answer in context, let me tell you about my "trophy" Alaskan moose. This Pleistocene monstrosity was 1 of only 2 moose taken out of this unit during the year in question, and the thing I remember most about the shot was how far down between my feet I had to depress the muzzle of my rifle. However, the thing I remember most was the 4 of us hand-over-handing it through the rocks and alders up the side of the mountain while our pack straps tried to tear us in pieces; we got that bull out in 1 ridiculous load each. It was dark and snowing sideways and none of us were going back down into that grizzly-filled hole a second time. I get a warm feeling of pride every time I walk through my kitchen and see that 26" wide forky moose rack hanging above my stove.

I reckon that's the roundabout way of say that a trophy elk is the one in my freezer.

Best regards,


Feb 25, 2012
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...likewise...trophy is in the eyes of the tagholder.
Jan 1, 2022
Man I just want to kill an elk. To me every elk is a trophy. Maybe once I have stacked a few I'd start being more selective but until then any legal elk is gonna get it.
Sep 27, 2024
Most will agree that the feeling of accomplishment, pride, satisfaction, and culmination of a truly successful hunt, is not the size or score of the animal harvested, but in the effort and energy expended in the pursuit! In fact, a truly successful hunt often times does not even include the killing of an animal. Robert Ruark summarized a short anecdotal quotation as follows: “There was a Russian school of acting which once maintained stoutly that a good tragic actor had to suffer. The same must be true of all hunters… The value of a trophy is computed directly in terms of personal investment in its acquisition.” Theodore Roosevelt was also a student of the chase, as evidenced in the following quote: “Of course in hunting one must expect much hardship and repeated disappointment; and in many a camp, bad weather; lack of shelter; hunger; thirst, or ill success with game, renders the days and nights irksome and trying. Yet the hunter worthy of the name always willingly takes the bitter if by so doing he can get the sweet, and gladly balances failure and success, spurning the poorer souls who know neither.”