Tripod saddle recommendations


Dec 11, 2022
Hi was looking for recommendations on a saddle for my tripod ball head . I have heard good things about the hog saddle.
Don’t waste your money on a saddle. It’s legacy tech that is slow, heavy, takes too much time, and isn’t very stable. Direct mount your rifle to a solid ball head.
—> Anvil 30 <—
I have direct mount on some but a couple of my guns I don't want to put a mount on was looking for the best alternative in a saddle unless there is something else.
Ive had a pig saddle in the past, and I wouldn’t take one today for free. I’d take a pint sized game changer with git lite fill on top of a head instead of a pig/hog saddle. Faster, lighter, more stable, cost is same or less, and it’s far more versatile IME.
What are you doing pulling the ball off and setting it on the tripod or do they offer a mount I haven't found yet
Thanks what's your recommendation on a bag to put on the head
Pint sized or schmedium game changer, with git lite fill. Make sure it’s the git lite fill version.

Those bags directly on the tripod head will do fine, or put them on a table like this

Pint sized or schmedium game changer, with git lite fill. Make sure it’s the git lite fill version.

Those bags directly on the tripod head will do fine, or put them on a table like this

Biggest reason the clamps suck for hunting, is they are heavy and just another thing you need to pull out to make a shot. The inherent wobble on them is also not the best and like direct attachment it’s easy to torque the rifle and not have a good natural point of aim.

A bag allows you to be fast, dynamic, silent and in my experience recoil tends to act more naturally.
Biggest reason the clamps suck for hunting, is they are heavy and just another thing you need to pull out to make a shot. The inherent wobble on them is also not the best and like direct attachment it’s easy to torque the rifle and not have a good natural point of aim.

A bag allows you to be fast, dynamic, silent and in my experience recoil tends to act more naturally.
Ever have any issues with bag not staying put just setting it on the head
Ever have any issues with bag not staying put just setting it on the head
The pint sized might want to tip a bit. You can adjust the fill on them and make them more loose if on a tripod head is your main application.

On top of using it on the tripod head the bag also works well shooting off rocks, trees, ect. Makes a fine rear bag as well. Very versatile item to carry.