Tricks, tips and comparisons for BaseMap and OnX Apps


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Jan 20, 2013
Eastern Utah
I'm not a super techy guy so during this thread I hope some other members will chime in with thier tricks, tips, and best practices for which ever app they prefer.

I was planning a spring bear hunt in a new area with a buddy so needed a new mapping service with Idaho. So I started searching around for options.

I've been using onX maps for the last couple years and currently have premium Utah maps on annual renewal. I've really enjoyed using this app to cyber scout and store waypoints for upcoming trips. To use onX for multiple states I would need to upgrade to the elite package of all 50 states or add each state individually.

I read about the Rokstaff using BaseMap last year here. BaseMap is also available in basic and pro series. When I went to check the differences between the basic and pro series, the thing that stuck out most was with basic you could only have a single off line map. I knew a single map was going to work for me so I focused on the pro series. BaseMap mapping includes all 50 states which comes in pretty handy, because you just never know when plans will change.

Late March Covid-19 goes into full swing Idaho cancelled non-resident spring bear tag purchases before my hunting partner bought a tag. I started researching Montana who quickly followed suit closing spring bear to non-residents. I started looking at Wyoming who doesn't allow non-resident hunting without self quarantine for 14 days. With plans shifting so quickly having all Western States on BaseMap was amazing. Nevertheless I'm currently without a spring bear tag but ready to pounce if any of the above states relax restrictions.

I'll be relying on you Rokslide members to get me up to speed on the which of your favorite features in either app your using. Please comment because I'm the type that finds a way that works and then just sticks with it.
I'm hoping to set up each app and compare them head to head during Utah big game general season. I'll be using BaseMap primarily to pre-scout any out of state tags I might draw.

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I have both apps and both have their strong points. Basemap strong point is their price! But I really do like their graphics, although I have not checked and onX upgrade on their’s.

My advice on BaseMap is it’s going to take a little longer to download the Maps than what you’re used to, so make sure you got good Wi-Fi. And they do take up more space.

And remember just because you’re looking at a map and Google earth images which is what I prefer, that doesn’t mean those images are available when you go offline. The other Google options like place names are the maps for offline use.

onX seems to operate smoother. Sometimes I have to restart BaseMap after it shutdowns for no reason, but it comes right back up. And way more people have onX so sharing waypoints is possible. If you hunt with anyone, you’ll want that person to have Basemaps or you’ll need onX or you won’t be sharing waypoints.

@Jim Carr is just starting on BaseMap too so maybe he’ll chime in.

@Ryan Avery uses it a ton too

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Sam, do you know if you’re using 4.0? I’m not sure if Iam or not. I put out the question to BaseMap if I have it or not, still waiting but wondering if anyone else might know how to tell
Robby when I go to app details it shows it's the 4.0.5 version

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I think Google Terrain is the best, being able to see old roads cut into the slops has saved my bacon a few times.

Also Onx has been giving me issues and they have been MIA on answering my questions. I'll be giving BaseMap a shot this year!
I think there is a layer that shows unit boundaries but I can seem to figure it out. Can anyone help me out?

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After reading the latest review of BaseMap here I decided to buy it (glad you guys are present in this forum BaseMap) to run side by side with OnX. Like Robby said, they both have their strengths and weaknesses.

However, I think if you hunt multiple states (which I do) BaseMap wins on price alone.

Both systems have Unit boundaries as a layer option. In BaseMap it’s under the hunting layers, but I think it’s only available on Pro. Same with OnX.

I’m still very new to BaseMap, but I like it so far.

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After reading the latest review of BaseMap here I decided to buy it (glad you guys are present in this forum BaseMap) to run side by side with OnX. Like Robby said, they both have their strengths and weaknesses.

However, I think if you hunt multiple states (which I do) BaseMap wins on price alone.

Both systems have Unit boundaries as a layer option. In BaseMap it’s under the hunting layers, but I think it’s only available on Pro. Same with OnX.

I’m still very new to BaseMap, but I like it so far.

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Thanks found it feel like an idiot now

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I have both and used both last season. I found myself scouting with BaseMap but using onX in the field.
It’s hard to beat the google earth 3D view in BaseMap, but for me it was pretty slow/glitchy (have not used since last season, not sure if updated). As mentioned, it will take a lot longer to save maps, and just longer to load in general, even on wifi. The more layers you have turned on, the slower it will get. Also, if in the field and need to check something on less than great cell coverage, it’s not going to happen. I do like the interface of saving offline maps more on BaseMap.
I use OnX in the field because it is a little more seamless, fast loading and downloads offline maps fast (even off cell service alone). Having all the layers turned on doesn’t seem to affect the speed, you can get maps up and usable on very little cell service. They don’t compare to Basemap’s map viewing layers/options though.
Both apps have failed me at some point. They will crash, get glitchy at times, usually the worst ones, but OnX tends to less. I still carry a GPS though because it will happen with either.
@BaseMap is your property boundaries in New Mexico unitized for the game units land swaps for hunting access? I wanted to check out my barbary unit but the office is closed in Roswell where i planned to get a map. I just got off the phone with the local game warden and he pointed out they have a free version called carry map but that i would need to down load the blm map first. He stated that he personally uses onX and that there is a unitized layer you can turn on. It's totally foreign for me and want to make sure I'm not trespassing and maximizing my access options while scouting. Anyone from New Mexico care to chime in on how they know where the swap boundaries are?

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Bringing this back so I update what I've found over the past season. While I didn't get out all the hunts I'd originally planned in 2020, I did trek out into a few different states. Hunted Utah and moved my onX waypoints to Basemap and ran them side by side. I will organize my thoughts and get it posted shortly.
I am in the same boat, using and subscribed to both right now. Initially I thought Basemap was no brainer when comparing the two with their price and performance. However after using it for the last two months i am not so sure anymore. Onx also added lot more value by the addition of top rut. However i have to see how its Incorporated with subscriptions.
I am in the same boat, using and subscribed to both right now. Initially I thought Basemap was no brainer when comparing the two with their price and performance. However after using it for the last two months i am not so sure anymore. Onx also added lot more value by the addition of top rut. However i have to see how its Incorporated with subscriptions.

let us know. thanks

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As I mentioned in the opener I'm not the most tech savy guy around. I was really glad that @Jim Carr did such an excellent job with his Basemap review. If you haven't seen it check it out HERE. Like everyone else I was a bit disappointed with an android phone, while the Iphone users got more cool features. I found that I was using Basemap much more on my laptop than on my tablet or phone. Last year I traveled a bunch for work and instead of dreading hanging at the hotel room I started to look forward to cyber scouting a few units I had been thinking about applying in.

I think its been mentioned on every thread I've seen but.... Basemap is an amazing value. Where else can you spend a mere $30 dollars and get that much return on an investment? I loved the multitude of layer options that is included with the PRO version. The 3d layers have incredible detail almost makes you feel that you right on the mountain side looking up or down the grade. I found the notes section super handy for leaving a description for why I dropped a pin there and not having to rely on just a picture icon like a water drop. This year was a drought in the unit I deer hunt, I used the notes to track how much water was left in the ponds every time I checked them. I have over 60 water sources marked and it would impossible for me to remember with writing it down somewhere. While talking about the drought I just wasn't finding the deer in their usual places, matter of fact I had a heck of time finding any deer the first part of my hunt. It was invaluable at times to have almost the entire unit of offline maps downloaded. I did have trouble opening them occasionally though, I found it was quicker after I deleted some. I'm not sure if it freed up some storage and my phone ran quicker or if the app itself was quicker but it was better. Lastly I want to give a shout out to Basemaps customer service support team I had a issue with my phone where if I clicked on any links in another app or email that it would open Basemaps instead. As you might imagine it was quite frustrating for both parties as they gave me defaults to try and installing and deleting various apps. Ran perfectly on my kids phone but with mine I just couldn't figure it out. Luckily I upgraded to a new phone and the issue never reappeared.

People are creatures of habit especially when they only know one way to do things. I found myself opening OnX any time that I was going some place for the first time. I think it was mostly a comfort thing as OnX orients the map to the direction that your traveling and Basemaps doesn't. I guess it all comes down to how your used to seeing the map. I also found that while I enjoyed changing layers on my laptop that I hardly ever changed when I was out in the field. At times it was almost to many choices but of course once again I'm a simplton at my approach to scouting.

In summary I think everyone who is scouting digitally would benefit from detail and multiple layers that Basemap offers. For the multi state hunter there isn't a better value on the market right now. Seems to me that Basemaps has been the driving factor of innovation the last couple years and I cannt wait to see what they roll out in 2021.
As I mentioned in the opener I'm not the most tech savy guy around. I was really glad that @Jim Carr did such an excellent job with his Basemap review. If you haven't seen it check it out HERE. Like everyone else I was a bit disappointed with an android phone, while the Iphone users got more cool features. I found that I was using Basemap much more on my laptop than on my tablet or phone. Last year I traveled a bunch for work and instead of dreading hanging at the hotel room I started to look forward to cyber scouting a few units I had been thinking about applying in.

I think its been mentioned on every thread I've seen but.... Basemap is an amazing value. Where else can you spend a mere $30 dollars and get that much return on an investment? I loved the multitude of layer options that is included with the PRO version. The 3d layers have incredible detail almost makes you feel that you right on the mountain side looking up or down the grade. I found the notes section super handy for leaving a description for why I dropped a pin there and not having to rely on just a picture icon like a water drop. This year was a drought in the unit I deer hunt, I used the notes to track how much water was left in the ponds every time I checked them. I have over 60 water sources marked and it would impossible for me to remember with writing it down somewhere. While talking about the drought I just wasn't finding the deer in their usual places, matter of fact I had a heck of time finding any deer the first part of my hunt. It was invaluable at times to have almost the entire unit of offline maps downloaded. I did have trouble opening them occasionally though, I found it was quicker after I deleted some. I'm not sure if it freed up some storage and my phone ran quicker or if the app itself was quicker but it was better. Lastly I want to give a shout out to Basemaps customer service support team I had a issue with my phone where if I clicked on any links in another app or email that it would open Basemaps instead. As you might imagine it was quite frustrating for both parties as they gave me defaults to try and installing and deleting various apps. Ran perfectly on my kids phone but with mine I just couldn't figure it out. Luckily I upgraded to a new phone and the issue never reappeared.

People are creatures of habit especially when they only know one way to do things. I found myself opening OnX any time that I was going some place for the first time. I think it was mostly a comfort thing as OnX orients the map to the direction that your traveling and Basemaps doesn't. I guess it all comes down to how your used to seeing the map. I also found that while I enjoyed changing layers on my laptop that I hardly ever changed when I was out in the field. At times it was almost to many choices but of course once again I'm a simplton at my approach to scouting.

In summary I think everyone who is scouting digitally would benefit from detail and multiple layers that Basemap offers. For the multi state hunter there isn't a better value on the market right now. Seems to me that Basemaps has been the driving factor of innovation the last couple years and I cannt wait to see what they roll out in 2021.
Sam, thanks for the feedback. On map orientation, on my on X I still have to tap the button in the lower right to get it to orient the direction I’m walking. My basemap is expired so I can’t test it, but it seem like I had to do the same thing when I was on there. Have you tried that?