Trespassing / Posting Public Land Stories

Oct 6, 2017
Great Plains
I have a few good ones. I spend a lot of time outside both for fun and work. Usually when I catch trespassers on our own properties I chase them off. Repeat offenders get the police called depending on the situation.

A group of pheasant hunters came up to me and started yelling at me and threatening me for trespassing. They were total A holes and I got pretty mad. I even had one threaten to shoot me if I didn't leave. I was on land my dad owned. They'd driven in and I walked up to them. The person they claimed owned it was a relative and had died 25 years before. I saw them up there a few other times and my dad didn't want me to call the cops because of local politics. So my buddy and I switched the plug wires around and yanked the fusible links from their trucks. This was a long time ago. I never saw them again, but saw the tractor tracks in the snow from when they got towed, so I knew who told them to hunt up there.

Growing up we had a property filled with morel mushrooms. Every year we'd catch this guy with a garbage bag full on our land. Every single year. We never saw him any other times, so we'd chase him off. We were pretty irritated about it because my mom loves picking them. However. The guy was so rough looking and obviously had no money. He even had face tattoos that looked homemade/prison done. We figured it was the only way he could make money so we let him be. He never stole anything that was out or anything like that. I still think about that poor guy.

I've been accused of trespassing on public by ranchers with allotments. Then they noticed my federal truck. LOL. That's happened to me twice. You should see the backpedaling they did. I look really young, so that's probably part of it. Again, that was quite a while ago.

I also had a crazy drunk hunter tell me to get off his property in Vermont. I was in a wilderness area. I didn't know what to say. He'd accessed by a private road that butts up against it from the side. I'd walked in a mile and a half uphill. I just said OK dude, sorry and walked quickly and far away from the drunk guy with a gun.

I know some NF out west where a rich guy bought a ranch. Then he sued and got the easement blocked off to a local swimming hole. It made everyone so mad they ignore it and the game wardens and cops don't enforce it at all. It's pretty hilarious.

Oh! Some guy in the suburb was making my life hell for walking on an easement for work on federal ground. He keyed my personal car among other things. I'd go there about once a month straight in and later out. The easement was 100 feet long. His McMansion abutted federal ground and his yard was the easment before he bought it. Lots of negative history there. What I went through was the last straw for the powers to be. They gave him no warning and brought a bulldozer in to pave the easment. They did this on a weekday morning. He had sprinklers for his lawn in there and it was a giant mess. If he'd just let the occasional nerd walk though, it would have been fine. Then they put the most amazing concrete driveway through his yard ever. It's beautiful. Later they did a recreational development right next to his yard so yeah.