Tree stand question


Oct 7, 2020
First time hunter and looking for my first stand. What do you guys prefer between climbers and hang on stands? Will be hunting shotgun this season and archery next fall.

Lone wolf or an xop setup for public gives you a lot of flexibility and mobility if hunting your own ground I like ladder stands and lock ones that are comfy and have room
Once I hit about 40 I actually started preferring ladder stands. Prior to that, hang on stands were my go to. You can place them in so many more trees than you can use a climber. Of note, I hang my stands in August and leave them there for the season. If you have to put them up daily, you may consider a saddle or climber.
Love the feedback guys, much appreciated! Do either of you use a gun rest if you hunt firearm?
The lone wolf sticks and hang on is what all else is compared to. I couldn’t imagine not having mine, I started out with the hand climber but haven’t used it since I got the sticks and hang on. I’d rather have one LW set up than a dozen stationary fixed stands
We really need to understand your use to make a proper recommendation. Where are you hunting, public or private? Plan to put it up and leave it in one spot or move around? If moving how often?
We really need to understand your use to make a proper recommendation. Where are you hunting, public or private? Plan to put it up and leave it in one spot or move around? If moving how often?

So I will be hunting on private property with 15 acres. I want to get one ASAP because I want to have it up there before shotgun starts and will be leaving it up in will place all season, as long as it puts me in a good range where the deer are coming through
So I will be hunting on private property with 15 acres. I want to get one ASAP because I want to have it up there before shotgun starts and will be leaving it up in will place all season, as long as it puts me in a good range where the deer are coming through
I would buy 2 ladder stands. Set one up for any southerly wind and one up for any northerly wind. Plan a route into each stand so your wind doesn't spook the deer on the property.
I would buy 2 ladder stands. Set one up for any southerly wind and one up for any northerly wind. Plan a route into each stand so your wind doesn't spook the deer on the property.

Love the idea, thanks for the info!
These look awesome, gonna order one. Thanks man!
You will love it. I use mine from the whitetail woods to hunting elk on the mountain. I am a terrible offhand shot so I refuse to shoot any distance outside of archery range without a solid rest. It also doubles as an "ok" walking stick in steep country. Good luck this season - post up pics when you get it done!
unless you have a specific spot on public picked out, or access to your own private, i'd go climber. Ladder stands are definitely safer, but its a big time and energy investment, not just setting them up but also doing the scout work to find a good spot for one. If you have the time to do so i say go ladder. If not, climber offers the most flexibility. I use a lone wolf, it is very light weight which was important to me. They are on the pricier end for sure. I have never used one but a lot of people seem to like Summit climbers. They just were too heavy and bulky for my taste.
I prefer ladder stands on the private ground I hunt. They may be heavy and hard to put up by myself, but they just make me feel safer climbing up/down. I'm sure everyone figured this out before me (slow learner according to my wife), but one trick I learned was to tie long pieces of paracord to each side of the seat area so that once you have it in place, you can tie to a tree behind the one you're placing the stand in. This keeps it nice and secure while climbing up to attached the ratchet straps.
If you plan on hunting archery next year I would suggest buying a couple hang ons. Maybe not the best for a gun hunt, but hunting out of ladder stand for archery isn't ideal (you are sky lined since you are standing away from the tree vs. against it). Since you are hunting a small private piece, don't worry about getting lightweight expensive stands/ladder system. The cheaper heavier ones are fine to put up by your self if you don't have to do it daily.