Training Walker pups for coon and shed hunting

Mar 4, 2017
Hey all,

We picked up two Walker pups from a buddies litter that are about 14 weeks old now. I hunted with coon dogs growing up but have been out of the game for a long time.

I want to start training with them doing the typical sent drag and trailing on a leash. Do any of you have insight or suggestions for training new pups that worked for you when training for coon hunting and hopefully shed hunting.



Sep 13, 2022
Me and my dad use to run walkers. My uncle bred redbones so been around a lot of hounds. Just spend time with the dog and get them used to you. As far as training it’s hard to beat the real thing. We used to trap a lot of coons in live traps and release for the dogs. First few times in sight of the dog then out of sight and let the dogs find the scent. I wouldn’t do this until the dog was at least 6 months old though. If you know someone with a good hound once the dogs are old enough to keep up run them with an experienced dog. But in the mean time while they are still you young like I said spend a lot of time with them and get some fresh coon hides to mess around with. This is how we did things and it’s probably not the best or right way but we had some good hounds. My dad and uncle was old school so we took a very where the red fern grows approach to it lol. It can be frustrating and some dogs just don’t have what it takes. Time spent with the dog and being consistent with everything is paramount though. It’s not one of those things you can just do it once a week or when you feel like it if you want a good dog. It’s gonna take a lot of time and effort but when you have a nice finished dog it’s worth it.