Train to Hunt and crossfit craze


Mar 17, 2012
Anyone have experience with train to Its an internet based trainer that provides workouts for a fee. From what I understand, it is a crossfit based program. I have nothing to do with this site, just looking at subscribing.

I havent jumped on the crossfit bandwagon, as I still have some reservations about long term joint health. Additionally, I dont really want to drop $100 a month on the classes at my gym or others around town. However, setting aside the joint concern, the workouts look like they are an ass kicker.

Any experience or insight would be helpful. Thanks!
IMO, nothing better in the workout universe. I've never felt healthier. Stronger and more endurance. My joints feel so much better and stronger now, that when I run, I don't have the pain I used to. And that is saying something as running used to be agony for me.
I guess I'm not one of those people that really see's the use of it... I've never felt in better shape than I do this season, and I've only worked out or exercised maybe 40% of what I usually do! However, 90% of that exercise has been targeting my hiking muscles and lungs... Now that hunting season is here I'm hiking/hunting enough that I really only exercise once a week. I'm pretty fortunate though as I'm in my early 20's still and am very lean naturally.

If you want to do some comparable workouts, I tried these this last winter and really liked them... plus the chick is pretty good looking (seems like her outfits have gotten a lot smaller over the last 6 months...). 12-15 minute workouts that kick your ass and don't require anything but a free downloadable app (HIT interval timer), a pullup bar, some weight bags...

Mike, speak to me when your 49:) Through my mid 30's I could hunt like I wanted with a limited workout routine through the year, but as I got close to 40 it became more difficult each year to cover the ground day in and day out, without some serious prep work before season. As I am now on the doorstep to 50, without a regimented workout routine prior to season, my body would not allow me to cover the ground I have grown accustomed to in the woods of North Idaho and Nwest each his own 4sure and you dont have to go as far a Cameron Hanes has with his workout routine, but any workout routine is better than none, especially as you age...Ross
I'm interested in the crossfit also and I am like Ross and 49 also and it takes me about 10 minutes to warm up without killing myself. I need to study the workout before I commit. I like a variety otherwise I get bored and the experts on here would tell you that you need to mix it up. Crossfit may well do that, but I need to educate myself more. Interested in other feedback. Doesn't pay to get older, just need to work at it more as your body is not as forgiving.
Crossfit is an excellent program especially if you get bored quick with regular workouts. The Crossfit trainers here wouldn't tell you what the workout was until you get there for the class. As far as injuries go I never personally saw any body get hurt, the trainers are always watching you to make sure you are doing the lifts properly they will also scale back the workout for new people. This is by far the best workout program I have ever done. I know the 100 a month seems steep but once you know all the lift and various routines the Crossfit web site and most of the gyms post the work out of the day (WOD) so if you are self motivated you just follow that. I personally wouldn't pay for web based crossfit routine since you can just go to
I'm 50 and have been using crossfit as my exercise routine for 5 years now. I can honestly say that my capabilities in the woods are mostly the same as they were when I was in my 20s. The only exception is 50 year old knees just don't like going downhill with a heavy load. Otherwise, I'm as strong now as I was 3 decades ago.
Crossfit is not for everyone, it's not much fun but is strangely addicting. You have to be a little crazy. If you don't want to spring for a monthly membership at your local crossfit gym, I highly recommend setting up your own garage gym. It will take a couple grand to get a garage set up properly, it's well worth it and is money saved in the long run. Just my opinion of course....
I do some cross fit type training during my workout program. I usually make up my own workouts or just look online for different ideas. I wouldn't specifically pay a site for workouts. I think it is a good training method but also don't see it as the end all be all that many cross fitters do. It tends to be a cult like group. I like to mix it in as a part of program.

A couple things to consider, one of my elk hunting partners is a physical therapist. He treats a lot of novice and older cross fitters with injuries. Some of the lifts you will do are advanced exercises that many athletes and folks that work out regularly never perform. You then add speed to the mix and injuries will happen. These are also very, very intense workouts. They don't last long but are to the point of physical and metal exhaustion. You have to be wired a little different to keep up this type of intensity level over the long term. It isn't for everyone, truthfully there aren't a lot of people that will be able to stick with it over time.
Mike, speak to me when your 49:) Through my mid 30's I could hunt like I wanted with a limited workout routine through the year, but as I got close to 40 it became more difficult each year to cover the ground day in and day out, without some serious prep work before season. As I am now on the doorstep to 50, without a regimented workout routine prior to season, my body would not allow me to cover the ground I have grown accustomed to in the woods of North Idaho and Nwest each his own 4sure and you dont have to go as far a Cameron Hanes has with his workout routine, but any workout routine is better than none, especially as you age...Ross

I have NO problem thinking that you are correct! :)
I even notice how out of hiking/hunting shape I can be during spring early summer when I haven't been preparing. I don't care how young you are, you need to do SOMETHING to keep your hunting muscles in shape. I suspect you're right that it'll only get worse as I get older! But I'll do what I have to thats for sure...

Hellscanyon-How does the bodyrock thing work? Do you just watch videos online or what? Always looking for new workouts to try and it keeps it interesting rather than just lifting and running.
Update: I asked the guys at train to hunt for a free trial and have been doing the workouts for a week or so. Great workouts! I have tweaked a few of them as I dont think running with a 40 lb pack on is good for my joints. I hope to hunt until Im old and just cant imagine that would help. Other than that, Im a fan and will likely sign up when I get back from my next elk hunt at the end of the month.
Another good site to check out is
They have a couple good programs, including one designed for hunting, that you can purcahse and do on your own from their store.
You get the program as a pdf so you can use it as much as you wnat. I have the 'Big Mountain' program and just started doing it again. They are nice because they don't just make you work out hard, but they are 'periodized' so that you start with base stength and endurance and build on that.