Trailer Locks


Mar 16, 2016
I am buying a fishing/duck boat from a buddy and need a way to lock it. I dont have a fence or garage space to put it in so it will sit on the side of the house. I live on a fairly main road and while its a safe area, I dont trust people.

I am not super worried about it and know that there are the cheaper Reese branded ones that are 35-50 bucks. I am wondering if there are any in that similar price range that are better than others or if there is something less than 100 bucks.
The best security is to not be the quickest/easiest thing to steal in the area. I agree on getting a dual/triple system in place to just deter thieves. I use a tongue lock and then a heavy chain through the tandem wheels/axle with a heavy lock in an awkward place. Then apple airtag that sucker
Hitch locks are easily defeated with basic tools like a locksmith raking tool or even worse a strip of plastic or aluminum (especially MasterLock) so double down with a hitch and wheel lock. Chain it to something permanent.
I had one of the 35 dollar ultra tow locks my neighbor gave me. Used it all the time, then on vacation temporarily lost my keys and needed it removed. Literally 15 seconds with a cutoff wheel it was gone. I think you get what you pay for with these.
I had a Reese lock on my trailer. Got woken up to a deputy evacuating us for a fire. I couldn’t find the keys for the lock. I had it off the trailer in less than 15 seconds with a bow saw. Made me re-think that purchase.
along with a lock, throw up a ring camera if you have wifi near by. super cheap and you will get notifications when it goes off and then be able to yell at them through the camera or call the cops. Think we got ours for like 70 bucks and pay 3 dollars a for space in the cloud for it to save all of our videos. I just got the rechargeable camera and it lasts 2 to 3 months in the winter up here before i need to recharge it. Never knew how many bears walked through my yard until we set up a camera.
The best security is to not be the quickest/easiest thing to steal in the area... I agree on getting a dual/triple system in place to just deter thieves. I use a tongue lock and then a heavy chain through the tandem wheels/axle with a heavy lock in an awkward place. Then apple airtag that sucker

I run a chain around the axle and through the rim.

We just had a meth head steal an unlocked trailer from my day-job parking lot, well light, under surveillance, and he still couldn't resist himself. He's in the country jail right now.
I'd be tempted to dig a hole and sink some sort of anchor in concrete and chain it up.
No need to dig...get the appropriate size duckbill anchor and drive it in the ground near the axel and chain to that. Harden steel square chain link is harder to cut with bolt cutters than round. ABUS makes a good square link chain.

Buddy modded his trailer so he can remove the hitch from the tongue when its in storage.
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Build a dedicated cinder block and 1” plate steel building to house it in with 3-4 tier security entrance and alarm system with video monitoring.
And don’t go cheap.

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Build a dedicated cinder block and 1” plate steel building to house it in with 3-4 tier security entrance and alarm system with video monitoring.
And don’t go cheap.

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Sounds like a lot of money to protect a 2000 dollar boat.

I dont have anything in the immediate area that I can chain it to but am thinking a tongue lock and a chain through the wheels should work. Hopefully this spring I can put a fence over that area and put it behind that.

I dont daily my pickup anymore so it will be parked in front it 80% of the time and will most likely be hooked to it for the majority of that time. Just need something for when I am not there.
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At least 2 separate locking points, as mentioned, is best. I have locks on my enclosed work trailer that I have had to remove. A cordless angle grinder can go through most steel locks/chains/cables in less time than it takes to read these 2 sentences.

If your trailer is going to be parked for extended periods of time, take one or more tires & wheels off, and store them elsewhere.
As an avid snowmobiler/outdoorsmen you can never be too careful and I'd caution to just having cameras nothing worse than watching your trailer leave on Ring doorbell or the likewise, with nothing but a vehicle or terrible image at best to give to local PD.. Tracking (airtag or designated tracking) is awesome!
With the battery powered tools we have today nothing will stop a thief. Best we can do is make it a little harder so they look for something easier to steal. I would get something visible as a deterrent and then use a chain through the wheels. I want one of those big yellow wheel locks because they are easy to see.
Sounds like a lot of money to protect a 2000 dollar boat.

I dont have anything in the immediate area that I can chain it to but am thinking a tongue lock and a chain through the wheels should work. Hopefully this spring I can put a fence over that area and put it behind that.

I dont daily my pickup anymore so it will be parked in front it 80% of the time and will most likely be hooked to it for the majority of that time. Just need something for when I am not there.

Was just kidding.
There’s only so much you can do to keep honest people honest. Good luck.

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The best security is to not be the quickest/easiest thing to steal in the area. I agree on getting a dual/triple system in place to just deter thieves. I use a tongue lock and then a heavy chain through the tandem wheels/axle with a heavy lock in an awkward place. Then apple airtag that sucker

My 4 Wheeler trailer has a tongue lock, padlock on the receiver, and is cable-locked to multiple chain link fence posts. For a 1k trailer, it's enough for me - will make a lot of commotion and be a pain to take... don't be an easy target.

Edit to add, my dogs are usually out around the same area and will be a audible and visual deterrent as well.
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You’ve got a lot of great suggestions already. The only thing I’d add is to park/put something in front of it when you can. Also, if it has a bolt on coupler you could remove it when it’s not being used.
I forgot to mention, you could also hang dummy security cameras as a visual deterrent. Working ones would be better but also more money.
I am buying a fishing/duck boat from a buddy and need a way to lock it. I dont have a fence or garage space to put it in so it will sit on the side of the house. I live on a fairly main road and while its a safe area, I dont trust people.

I am not super worried about it and know that there are the cheaper Reese branded ones that are 35-50 bucks. I am wondering if there are any in that similar price range that are better than others or if there is something less than 100 bucks.

A big shrouded padlock and a piece of square link of chain that just fits in/on the shackle.

None of the hitch locks are worth the time to put on. As a very low hanging fruit I always put a padlock on the hitch with it closed. That will deter the laziest thieves since they can't just put it on and drive away.