The whole bow vs crossbow thing is just a machismo pissing match. Seriously. One of those does NOT shoot further than the other, nor is it more accurate in the hands of an accomplished shooter. It's still archery.
I'd say that the muzzleloading thing is getting a bit ( a lot?) more complicated. "Muzzleloader" is starting to be a really gray area. A side lock with 70gr ffg and a Knight Disc with 70gr ffg and a 300 gr slug are on close to equal footing, especially if both are open sight or if both are scoped. A custom bolt action with a brass module for ignition, with a heavy load of smokeless, a 4-20 scope with dials, and the same 300 gr slug is a completely different machine, offering smokeless centerfire performance and reliability. I mean, a 300 gr slug at 2500 FPS or more is various 338 to 375 mag territory.
I personally think that the moniker of "muzzleloader season" should be changed to "blackpowder season". During black powder season, anything is fine as long as it's using blackpowder or a blackpowder substitute. And NO, I don't think BH209 is a blackpowder substitute. Same thing with the Firestick modules, and some states agree, saying they're not legal in their season.
I personally think that someone should be permitted to hunt with whatever they want, whenever they want. So to each their own, but I think that the smokeless thing is really going to get the primitive/blackpowder/muzzleloeader seasons all jacked up with more restrictions across the board.