Another fairly important piece of gear imo is a serving jig and a couple sizes of serving of your preferred flavor, I’m a big fan of halo, I like how it comes off the fingers more than others, but center serving wears out, it’s easy to replace and good to know how to do, nock fit is pretty critical with trad bows, so finding a nock you like, size of string (# of strands) and size and type of serving, is fairly important to keep constant unless completely changing arrows
I know it’s not very trad, but I find lighted nocks useful, especially bare shaft tuning, you can see the arrow flight well so you aren’t trying to just read the arrow because false weak/stiff is not unusual and can be frustrating to work through
The nice thing is, you tinker enough, and you’ll be able to guess really close initially on arrow length, spine, and point weight… you’ll just know
I find arrow length fairly important because I’m aiming off of it, so I try to keep it close with different builds… I also like keeping weight similar because your mind maps the trajectory, so familiarity is a benefit… tinkering a lot does you no favors and you will never find a magical arrow, so constantly changing is not a logical practice
I shoot trad vanes, because it’s wet here and feathers suck on the coast, but in the process of learning that I tried many different feathers and configurations, and my favorite was 4 fletch rayzrs, right helical clamp on the bitz, least favorite was 3 5”, they were always fickle unless they were in good shape and dry