Tough Trip III


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Oct 18, 2016
After last Winter's snowshoe trip through the Bob Marshall, I though I had of sworn off such trips in the future.... well so much for that :D

My buddy Tom and I put together a loop route that would take us into some prime country and wouldn't require shuttling vehicles for a 100 miles. The route was about 65 miles and we gave ourselves 5 days to do it. We figured the vast majority of the trip would be on snowshoes, but was hoping for some dry (ish) trails at lower elevations. Our forecast window looked good- low probability of precip and decent temperatures.

We met early Thursday morning at the trailhead and the three of us (Tom's Pepper would be joining us as well) started up the trail with 40-ish lbs packs. We were encouraged to see snow free trail to start and the views were grand- Holland Lake, still froze over.


We covered nearly 2 miles of snow free trail, eventually it was time to don shoes.


We would intermittently hit sections of dry trail, but just kept the shoes on and clack along the rock- simply a time saver.

We made decent time up to the upper lake. The trail crisscrosses scattered small creeks, which means your feet are going to be wet (if the snow hadn't already done it's trick).


From the upper lake we needed to off trail and take a big climb to a high notch that would lead us to the headwaters of Gordon Ck. Even with the sun fully shining the snow stayed firm for us- a huge blessing!


We eventually made it to the notch, Tom was dealing with some pretty severe calve cramps, but pushed through. Waldbillig Mtn in the background, eventually we would return on a pass on the other side of this mountain.


Sadly after all that steep climbing we had to drop almost a 1000' of elevation, only to have reclimb that amount again to drop into the drainage we were headed.

Views took a little of the sting out our second steep climb.


We dropped into our drainage and found Lena Lake waiting for us. It was solidly frozen, but were hoping there might be some open water at the outlet- bingo, there was and we called it a day.



It got down to the lower 20's that night and my wet trail runners were frozen solid. It took me at least ten minutes of working them with my hands to get them on. I had stuck my wet socks underneath my sleeping pad, so while still wet and cold- they weren't frozen! :D

We followed the outlet down (on firmly frozen snow) crossing Shaw Ck and then yet another steep climb (~1000') to get to a notch that would drop us into Holbrook Ck- that would ultimately lead us to the South Fork of the Flathead River.

Made it.


We were making good time going down on firm snow. There's a trails somewhere supposedly, but we never saw and didn't need it.

We found a spot to eat our lunch and air our wet feet out. Pepper liked my pad and made herself at home :)


We continued to make good time on pretty firm snow and then abruptly, we didn't. Two steps and then posthole up to our thighs, repeat for close to 6 miles. Occasionally we were teased with a dry stretch, take our shoes off and then hit more snow and back on they went.

We finally got close enough to get a glimpse of the South Fork drainage, sadly still several miles away. The good news was that the teasing dry stretches were becoming closer together.


We started just carrying our snowshoes in our hands and donning them when needed. Saved a lot of time vs taking our packs on and off.

Finally hit the South Fork, fully free of snow :D We called it a day.


The spot I picked to setup my tent was evidently the best watering hole for miles, all night long elk sifting in and out, hooves clacking on the rocks :ROFLMAO:
part 2

The next morning we again had sunny weather AND dry trails!!!!



Our next destination was Big Salmon Lake. For 6 miles we cruised almost completely snow free trails (occasionally snow when the trail bent around on a north facing stretch).

One of the few bridges in the Bob Marshall Complex- crossing Big Salmon Ck.


Big Salmon Creek


Big Salmon Lake


We were hoping to make it to the inlet of the lake (it's a long lake!). But with pretty dry trails and us making good time, we pushed past the inlet and decided to make camp a bit early- a reward to make up for the tough day prior!

Got things dried out and got a big fire going and just chillaxed.



Our goal the next day was to make it back to Upper Holland Lake and then a short day (7-ish miles) out on Monday.

We quickly found out that the mostly snow free trails we enjoyed the day before were gone. We also found out that even though it dropped to 30 degrees that night, it wasn't enough to firm up the snow to keep us afloat. So we endured more two steps, posthole, two steps........

To make it more fun, we soon discovered that much of the trail was running water beneath the snow- so two steps, posthole into 6" of water and repeat.

Very occasionally we had a small stretch of snow free trail, but it looked like this :)


The we encountered real trouble. Pepper had got puncture by a broken stob while crossing some blowdown. She was bleeding badly from her inner rear thigh. I got my first aid kit out and we were able to staunch the bleeding with some quick clot gauze and securely wrapping it with some "vet" wrap bandage.

I let Tom go ahead and stayed behind in case she lost the bandage. I was relieved to see that only very occasionally did I see a drop of blood in the snow. The backcountry gods were shining on us as the snow started to firm as we climbed.


We started making better time and it looked Pepper's bleeding was under control. We did have to ford several creeks that were rolling pretty good, but no hiccups getting across any of them- another blessing!


Big Salmon Falls- pictures don't begin to convey how big (and loud) the falls were. The snow chunk in the pic is the size of a school bus!


We veered onto the Pendent Ck drainage which would lead us to a notch on the other side of Waldbillig Mtn and down to Upper Holland Lake.
Tom was quite bit ahead of me at this juncture, no doubt in part worrying about his dog. We communicated a couple of time via inReach. He had reached Upper Holland Lake and let me know he was going to make it all the way to get Pepper to a vet. He was roughly 45 minutes ahead of me.

I finally made it to the notch and was greeted with this view (Carmine Peak)


I dropped like a rock off this notch and soon saw Upper Holland Lake.


I got to the lake about 5:00 PM and decided I would make it all the way out too. After 7-ish more miles before getting to the trailhead I realized, that wasn't the best choice! I made it out just before 8:00, but was dead on my feet with 20-ish miles under my belt, about 18 of those with snowshoes on. I always quickly figured out that the small towns on the 2+ hour drive home didn't have anything open to eat. When I got some cell phone coverage I had my wife get a pizza delivered and told her I'd be home sometime after 10. That my friends was one of the best pizzas I've ever eaten! :ROFLMAO:

Epilogue - Tom got Pepper into the vet that evening and stitched her up. She also related that the stop had touched her bladder, but fortunately didn't pierce it. She's doing fine and relaxing at home.

Thanks for reading.
Thanks for your sharing of these adventures and allowing us, or at least me, to live vicariously through you.
Once again thanks for sharing your adventures with us. Us East coast guys get to live vicariously through your trips.
Your "jaunts" are lifetime adventures. At least you guys had the best snowshoes on the market - MSR's! Thanks for sharing and I, too, am glad Tom's hound live to hike another day.
Your adventure threads are my favorite to read. Thanks for sharing and always inspiring me to go explore.

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Looked like a great trip.
l hope to experience that Holland lake trail to the Southfork of the Flathead from the back of one of my mules in the future, preferably with less snow.
Stunning views just in a picture, can't even imagine what it must have been like in person. Thank you for sharing you adventures and pictures.
Any chance you might do a gear dump or a "what's in my pack" for one of your adventures?