Top 5 Elk Hunting Tips

1. Use and obey your windicator constantly. If it's telling you it's a bad idea it is
2. Only call from a location you can kill an elk from
3. Don't chase memories of where elk were that time you got into them, go find where they are now
4.Make sure the elk cannot see you/your calling location unless he is within killing range
5. Learn to call elk using passion in your calling voice like your pleading with your wife for another weekend off hunting when you have a list of chores around the house a mile long.
What I have learned that I can pass on confidently is this. 1. Be prepared. Mentally, physically, and with your equipment regardless of what you’re using. 2. Elk hunting is long periods of punishment, punctuated by short moments of pure exhilaration. And those times change in seconds. 3. Remember to breathe. When those good times come, remind yourself that you can start the celebration after the job is done. Then tell yourself to breathe and remember your form and fundamentals. 4. Embrace the suck! The suffering is what bonds us. If it was easy, everyone would do it and every year we would all have trouble finding a taxidermist with an opening. 5. Be kind to your fellow hunters. I have had vehicles tampered with, notes left under my windshield wipers, and obvious efforts of sabotage/harassment during hunts just because I have out of state plates and got up earlier than someone else to make it to a trailhead first. Don’t be that guy.
3. Don't chase memories of where elk were that time you got into them, go find where they are now
Man...I've been guilty of making this mistake more times than I care to admit.

1. Always remember, a hunt can go from terrible to the best hunt of your life in 10 seconds and you never know when that 10 seconds is coming.

2. It's steeper and farther than it looks on Google Earth

3. Bring something to treat monkey butt
Everything everyone else said and....Don't skimp on Optics. A good set of Binos can save you a lot of hiking
and guessing.
1. Be mentally strong, you accomplish this by the next 4
2. Be in great physical shape
3. Be confident in all your equipment
4. Be confident in your hunting ability
5. Be confident in your hunting location

They all take time and effort.
Have fun
So I've got #1 and that's it.
What can possibly go wrong?