Top 5 Elk Hunting Tips

1. Buy a bunch of Sitka, a flat brim is imperative.
2. Get on Rokslide and say "I'm not looking for anyone's honey hole."
3. Go in deep.
4. Post how many miles you've walked.
5. Say "Bro" a lot.

I've never killed an elk but this seems to be what I've gathered so far from Youtube.

Yep, you pretty much hit the nail on the head. Don't know how guys did it back in the 50's and 60's, before all this Gen-X crap came along. Guess the old-timers didn't know s**t.
Yep, you pretty much hit the nail on the head. Don't know how guys did it back in the 50's and 60's, before all this Gen-X crap came along. Guess the old-timers didn't know s**t.
funny you say that, I was just looking @ navigation devices an thought, hell in the 80s when we started there was not even a mobile phone,,, somebody got lost every year,,,, for a bit anyway,,, makes me wonder what a guy really has to have,,
My top one is learn to go with the flow,

Your feet are gonna get wet, your gonna get wet, your gonna get stuck in rain, sleet, snow, lighting, high winds and hopefully some sunshine. Your gonna see other hunters, the elk will wind you, its gonna suck hitting the trail head every morning at 330am and getting back to camp at 10 pm. Its gonna suck when you slip and fall on a rock and your leg hurts like hell. Its going to be a bummer when you think all the elk have left your area and then going up a steep slick elk run you slip and fall (again) look up and see a bull standing 30 yards away laughing at you. But then you have a great encounter with a bull you forget all that and start all over again. :)

Laughter is really the best medicine for it all. Dont get all bent out of shape just go with the flow its hunting not life or death.
1. Attitude-go in knowing you are going to kill an elk

2. Hunt until the last ounce of daylight every day including the last day

3. Have a short memory. In other words if you blow an opportunity, log it in your memory immediately and don't beat yourself up until you are in your tent. There could be another opportunity on its way in or 100 yards away as you are leaving the location where you blew it

4. Make sure all your equipment right on down to your underwear is in great working condition. Especially your bow. Or rifle or whatever you hunt with

5. Be courteous to other hunters. If you see a truck parked there, don't hunt there. Give others some room. Dont horn in on the area others are hunting claiming "its public land therefore i am justified being a dickhead"
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1: Archery equipment older than 2 years isn't capable of killing elk.
2: No gun under a .300 Win mag is capable of killing an elk.
3: You can't kill an elk unless the pack out is at least 6 miles.
4: elk are able to make out camo patterns older than 2 years so only the newest patterns should be worn.
5: Nonresident elk hunters are the reason locals can't shoot elk.
1. Be mentally strong, you accomplish this by the next 4
2. Be in great physical shape
3. Be confident in all your equipment
4. Be confident in your hunting ability
5. Be confident in your hunting location

They all take time and effort.
Have fun
be realistic, practice at the range under bad weather, shoot from different positions, !
The only tip that matters:

Elk arent hard to kill, they are just easy to miss ;)
They are hard to get a shot at though. In my limited experience in CO, whether you are above, below or on the same level, no matter if the thermals are going up or down and regardless of the prevailing wind, your scent always blows directly to the elk. I dont need a elk decoy, I need a mannequin so the wind doesnt know which direction to go to the elk. ;)
Something to think about: Elk eat 20 pounds of feed a day. Every day. They can’t hide under a rock in a hole on a north slope 24/7/365. Instead of wandering around find out where the dining room is. If they are pressured and only going there at night work your way toward the bedroom.

Personally I don’t bother with over pressured elk. There will always be a couple hunters around but if the elk are scared shitless I’m going to plan B. Further or higher. Losing other hunters isn’t that hard. Most of them are fat and lazy. I’m fat. But I’m not lazy. Lol Which cancels out all the comments telling you to be in top physical condition. I’m 5’ 6” and 200 pounds and I’ll out hunt Cam Hanes. True story. Nothing stops me. And I don’t need to sleep in a 1 man bivy and live on peanut butter and bananas to do it. Perseverance! It’s mental I’m telling you!
I’m fat ..... Which cancels out all the comments telling you to be in top physical condition. I’m 5’ 6” and 200 pounds ..... Perseverance! It’s mental I’m telling you!

Precisely. Some of my toughest hunting clients that I take up here in Alaska, are elderly couch potatoes, and that includes sheep and goat hunting clients. And some of the wimpiest, most pathetic hunting clients I've guided up here in Alaska, were the younger "boots on the ground!" types. It's all mental, really.
Precisely. Some of my toughest hunting clients that I take up here in Alaska, are elderly couch potatoes, and that includes sheep and goat hunting clients. And some of the wimpiest, most pathetic hunting clients I've guided up here in Alaska, were the younger "boots on the ground!" types. It's all mental, really.
Ditto! My guides used to read contracts and fight over the clients who were young and thin. Many times they learned the hard way. Those guys can get so hyped up that they crash and burn in just a couple days. Give me the middle aged guy who works hard for his money and knows how to get out of bed every day, stay calm, and give his best effort regardless of his abilities.
1. Hunting elk starts months before the season starts.
2. Elk are not like deer, more like turkey
3. If you are confused about calling, don’t do it.
4. Just like life, you won’t be rewarded for laziness, that’s meant for someone else.
5. Make a plan, stick to your plan. Make sure your plan includes plan b, c, and d.
Never let common sense get in the way of killing an animal.

No regrets. Never turn down an opportunity to go where everyone else won't.

Learn the wind in the area you hunt.

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I'm sure this has been discussed before but I haven't seen anything like this lately. Whether you are a newbie or old timer what are your top 5 tips for everyone trying to have success at elk. It could be tactics, gear, pre-season stuff, anything you want to share let's hear it!

1 Stop watching youtube videos of guys that just run around the woods blowing calls at elk all day.
2 Stop watching youtube videos of guys that just run around the woods blowing calls at elk all day.
3 Stop watching youtube videos of guys that just run around the woods blowing calls at elk all day.
4 Stop watching youtube videos of guys that just run around the woods blowing calls at elk all day.
5 Stop watching youtube videos of guys that just run around the woods blowing calls at elk all day.
1. Appreciate the experience
2. Have good boots
3. Hydrate
4. Bring anti diarrhea medicine
5. Be adaptable