To stop thief from getting your guns in truck

....Badges? We don't need no stinking badges !!!!!! (Sorry, couldn't resist).

Good one! Never liked doing it (pulling out the badge) 14 hour ride, tired, hungry and didn’t want to find another hotel room. I also asked to see Holiday Inn’s policy on the prohibition of firearms in rooms. The manager started stuttering and stammering, I then said 5 million NRA members want to know if Holiday Inn discriminates against gun owners and I neeed a copy for my lawyer. I then stated who I worked for and showed my credentials and walked to my room.
I was just funning there. I have carried a badge since 1971 (still do). When traveling, I am hesitant to display that too, in addition to stickers for high price optics and weapons. You never know who is behind that counter and their attitude towards Law Enforcement, or anyone else in earshot for that matter. Retaliation could find your vehicle with flat tires, or worse. In your situation at that time, it seemed appropriate to me so no judgement there.
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I agree some thing is better than nothing but hate to tell op I can be in that box in about 1 min if somebody wants it bad enough they will get it. ABQ is horrible and your druggies don’t care what it is that they steal that’s free money for them
Good thing you were on official govt business, carrying your 4 agency issued custom hunting rifles, so it wasn't misuse of official position.
5 million nra members may want to know if feds are misusing their badge to intimidate civilians. While on vacation. With a buddy. Carrying personally owned firearms.
Come on now. Military and federal agents always carry ID. Showing that he’s an agent or officer gives credibility and that he is one of the good guys and not some idiot wanting to shoot up a concert from his hotel room.
It would be kinda fun to sleep in the truck with a 12ga assault weapon next to ya.

Be a good way to ruin a thief’s career ;)
While I like the premise and the mental imagery...

I have to imagine that you would be totally shellshocked from the muzzle flash and blast in a confined space like a capped truck bed.
I guess that's better than nothing. What are you doing to prevent them from stealing your truck?

I agree with others who bring equipment inside, so it might be a good idea to do some planning to make it easier to bring inside with you.
Perhaps pull the distributor cap.
I don't get the guys that leave expensive gear in their truck at a hotel, or anywhere you can take it in with you. That locker will definitely hamper a thief. Make sure you cannot unbolt the box from the top or it'll be an easy(ish) target. I'd still bring my guns inside, however.
I remember going out to my grandma's property in Nebraska a few years ago and we like to shoot out there. I brought about 5 rifles and shotguns in soft cases to play around with and we had to stay at a random hotel. There was no way I was leaving the guns in the car an I ended up loading up one of those luggage carriers with guns. I turned a corner and the maid was working and saw a cart loaded full of guns and she got pretty startled lol
Distributor cap????

Damn. Can't remember the last time I dealt with one of those! 😅
Find a buddies car, pull the dist cap, remove rotor, replace cap, watch buddy lose his mind when his car won't start from across the parking lot🤣

Ahhh, the good ole days...
I bring coolers and antlers into the hotel room. If skull is gross wrap in trash bags and duct tape tight and keep it in the shower after I wash up. Hotels usually have free ice machines also.
You get lots of good stares going through the hotel lobby.

On the original post, never leave anything of value in your truck. I try to pack as light as possible and don't bring alot of extra crap to complicate the trip.

Motels where you park right out side you room are handy in this situation.

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I don’t understand the question.

Just do like me and have empty coolers. Every year. Over and over.

You guys are making this more difficult than it really is.
Good thing you were on official govt business, carrying your 4 agency issued custom hunting rifles, so it wasn't misuse of official position.
5 million nra members may want to know if feds are misusing their badge to intimidate civilians. While on vacation. With a buddy. Carrying personally owned firearms.

If this was the issue we had with feds and guns, I’d be a lot happier and so would 5M NRA members.

(Pssst. Might be worth finding out more information before throwing out pretty large accusations. But hey, it’s the Internet - so why bother?)
If this was the issue we had with feds and guns, I’d be a lot happier and so would 5M NRA members.

(Pssst. Might be worth finding out more information before throwing out pretty large accusations. But hey, it’s the Internet - so why bother?)
Pssst… what other information should I have found out?
Soap box... Theres not much gray area anymore. Wether you got a badge in Glynco, Quantico, Artesia, Charleston, or Potomac we all know the rules. They're real clear about what our authority is or isn't, whats allowed with duty vs personal firearms. Theres annual ethics and integrity refresher trainings or acknowledgements. Forget about policy, theres CFRs that lay out whats not permissible.
Heres a test: If your agency found out about the hotel situation would they back you up? No! Its the kinda thing you pray they never find out about. The hotel is not the lucky party in that story. And it shouldn't be retold on a forum. Just because plenty of guys still do this junk doesn't make it ok.
But I'm sure he was just joking. Or it happened 25yrs ago when it was still accepted.
This strayed a long ways from hunting. I hope this part of the string fades away.
I don’t understand the question.

Just do like me and have empty coolers. Every year. Over and over.

You guys are making this more difficult than it really is.
It's not hard for 2 guys to carry a cooler or put a cooler on a hotel cart and make a few trips. But I've had a cap on my truck the last few years so cools usually stay locked in the back. Antlers always come inside. People do stupid stuff for antlers...

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
This is why I like "motels". Easier to unload all my crap to my room when I can park at the door.

Tonneau Covers are nice too for hiding bigger gear. Not impossible to get into for somebody dedicated to stealing shit, but keeps things out of sight, so most people that might just grab something out of the back of a truck that is sitting there in plain sight has to commit/risk breaking into something and there could very well not be anything underneath.
We discussed this exact thing for this year's trip to Wyoming, four of us traveling together, decided a small U-Haul trailer for all the gear door secured with a security lock as well as one on hitch.