To stop thief from getting your guns in truck

It would be kinda fun to sleep in the truck with a 12ga assault weapon next to ya.

Be a good way to ruin a thief’s career ;)
Ok so how does everyone secure meat/antlers/hides? I make consistent hunting trips out to Idaho and Nevada every year. End up coming through the Albuquerque of the north (Billings) haha. Always hate leaving my deep freezer behind my truck but I try to stay out of town if I can help it.

I’ve had a antelope stolen years ago and take antlers inside with me now. Always left the meat in the cooler though.
What year GMC truck are you driving? Some of those older body styles can be broke into and started in literally a matter of seconds...not minutes.

I got a buddy that two years ago was at a Hotel in Moab, UT. They stole his truck, guns, bow, hunting equipment. When they woke in the morning and called police. Police said not much we can do. Depending on when they took it....its probably almost in Mexico by now.
Bad thing is they were all the way from NC. now with no transportation home.
2018 GMC. I agree about taking anything valuable inside at night but at any food place etc. Is what I was looking at for a quick smash and grab.
So it's sounding like a hidden kill switch would be great also. For the truck.... only the truck. A kill switch for those that deserve it, should be in the room with you.
Additionally from taking guns and optics into the Motel room at night, I no longer put any stickers, etc on my vehicle indicating what I do or where I'm heading. No reference to Elk hunting, nor any Swarovski or Weatherby stickers. I also have just the cheap Coleman 100 qt ice chests. I don't want to tempt any thief to break the windows in my truck to steal a Yeti or other high dollar ice chest.
Seriously. Do. Not. Stay. Overnight. In. Albuquerque. Trucks get stolen all the time.

True statement. My sister and BIL went to visit my other sister in ABQ a few years back and while they were inside checking into the Hilton, someone stole their brand new pick up out from just outside the lobby door.
Two years ago my buddy and I were wheeling 4 custom rifles in 4 separate Pelican cases into our room (Holiday Inn in Iowa) and the desk woman wanted us to put our guys in a separate locked holding room. We said no and kept going, on the second trip she was insisting that we put the guns in the locked room or we were going to get the boot. The only thing that kept us in the room was my Federal badge so be aware of this.
Two years ago my buddy and I were wheeling 4 custom rifles in 4 separate Pelican cases into our room (Holiday Inn in Iowa) and the desk woman wanted us to put our guys in a separate locked holding room. We said no and kept going, on the second trip she was insisting that we put the guns in the locked room or we were going to get the boot. The only thing that kept us in the room was my Federal badge so be aware of this.
This is why we take the stairs at the end of the building and not through the lobby for everyone to see
Currently have a project near ABQ. We had a 3 year old F150 stolen from directly underneath the obvious security camera tower. They were off and driving less than 30 seconds after breaking the window and opening the door. Lots of lowlifes around for sure.
I would assume that some of you "never leave valuables in the truck" folks carry backup equipment on out of state hunts on occasion. If you are packing in, what do you do at the trailhead?

I don't have to worry about it since I'm mostly hunting local but wondered if you never bring backup rifles or bows and how you handle them if you do.
Totally get not leaving your guns in the vehicle at the hotel, I never do either. Will be heading out to Wyoming griz land in archery this year though and will leave a 12 ga. in the truck for the 2nd meat run. Anybody had issues or have a preferred method of securing while in the backcountry? Will be a beater gun but still.
I’d leave every one of my guns in the truck at a trailhead in Wyoming grizzly country before I’d leave a hi-point in a Pinto in Albuquerque.
If you have, and if you don't you should have a gun in your truck, but when you exit your vehicle, the gun exits with you. Pretty simple really......
When I travel, I keep all my optics in my backpack and my guns in a guncase. Take both into the hotels with me.
Absolutely no overnight stays in Albuquerque, EVER!!!! I plan all of my trips to avoid spending the night there. If you must, I believe there is a nicer hotel out by the airport that has a locked gate for patrons. Having said that, it's still likely not enough. Any time I stop in Albuquerque my vehicle is in plain sight, close by and I am carrying and on extra alert. I absolutely hate that place.
Ok so how does everyone secure meat/antlers/hides? I make consistent hunting trips out to Idaho and Nevada every year. End up coming through the Albuquerque of the north (Billings) haha. Always hate leaving my deep freezer behind my truck but I try to stay out of town if I can help it.

I’ve had a antelope stolen years ago and take antlers inside with me now. Always left the meat in the cooler though.
I bring coolers and antlers into the hotel room. If skull is gross wrap in trash bags and duct tape tight and keep it in the shower after I wash up. Hotels usually have free ice machines also.
You get lots of good stares going through the hotel lobby.

On the original post, never leave anything of value in your truck. I try to pack as light as possible and don't bring alot of extra crap to complicate the trip.

Motels where you park right out side you room are handy in this situation.

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