Tips for Whitetail Care


Jun 6, 2024
Went out with a group first rifle season for Elk saw nothing. Everyone else is calling it a year but I'd like to try my hand at whitetail to have something to show for the season and to get some more practice hunting. My only worries are that I've never dressed big game before and live in an apartment without much storage space or anywhere to hang. I have watched plenty of dressing videos and have a pocket guide but I'm trying to think of how I would take care of the meat. Right now I am thinking of using a butcher and just quartering and skinning the deer? Then I can bring the skinned quarters to the butcher to hang and cut up.

For the backstrap would I just be able to bring that home?

Also my cooler might not be big enough to hold all the meat, since I will only be a couple miles at most from my truck, if I am quick to dress and get it to the butcher asap will I have any issues with the meat spoiling? It will only be a few hours if during day, if I get one during the afternoon, its getting cold enough in Colorado now where I could probably leave the game bags in the back of my truck.

My experience with whitetail processors in the east is they prefer you bring the field dressed deer in whole. Are you quartering the deer to carry it to the truck? If your going to have it all ground except the loins then consider boning it out in the field. About any cooler 45 or up will hold a boned out whitetail. Cool the meat down before you put it in the cooler if possible.

I would call some processors in your area and tell them your situation and get their take on how you should bring in your deer. Some processors charge you the same whether you bring the deer in just field dressed or skinned and qtr’d.

Your deer wont spoil in the amount of time you’re saying. But You need enough cooler space for your qtrs. If you kill the deer in the evening you may not get to the processor until the next day. I dont know what your temps are where you are at. I dont like my deer in any temps higher than 50 for any length of time. You dont need a yeti. Get another cheaper cooler so if need be you can get the qtrs on ice.
IME, butchers prefer that you just field dress it and bring it in. Reason being they sell the hides. Last I heard, they got $10 each, but that was several years ago.

And don't worry about temps too much. I shot a buck one evening, temp was 92. Easy tracking job, got him gutted and packed with ice within an hour of the shot. More ice in the morning, and had him to the butcher by noon the next day. Everything was fine.