Tips for proper Elk Decoy use?

Apr 19, 2024
Hey y'all,

Just finished my first elk hunt in western CO after a lifetime of whitetails. I brought the Eichler Elk silo from Montana Decoys along, thinking it could be helpful. It looks great to me, and I thought I had it set in a good way, but the only elk that saw it was immediately alarmed, and might have cost me my opportunity if it had been a legal bull and not a spike.

Who has experience with these things and can offer some advice about how to set them up correctly?

Here's what happened in detail:

I had mine set 80 yards from the dark timber line, right against the edge of some thick willows, facing the spot where I expected them to enter the field from the timber. I was in between, 35 yards from the timber in willow/timber mixed cover. I had thought it might draw a young bull in front for an easy shot. A spike came to the edge, was alarmed as soon as he saw it, and spooked without ever knowing I was there. The sun was set so it's unlikely there was a shine effect. I passed the shot he offered because I wasn't sure he was legal, but if he had been legal and I had waited to draw, I don't think I could have shot him because he turned towards me before spooking.


Oct 24, 2017
I like to set them up just around the corner from camp tucked in the brush and watch my buddies bail out of the truck to kill the camp elk we all dream of