Time to Upgrade Binos

It’s made in the same factory sooo..

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That’s a common misunderstanding. Today’s OEM manufacturers make products to the customer’s specifications. The quality of components and design specifications vary a lot from contract to contract.

For example, a lot of manufacturers tout their optic contains Schott Glass. But not all Schott glass is created equal, they make many different grades of glass at different stages from blanks to finished lenses and everything in-between. It is also sourced from Zeiss plants all over the world. So, just because it wears the Zeiss Glass label doesn’t mean they are all equal.

Case-in-point - both Maven and Zeiss Conquest both contain major components sourced from Japan (likely from the same plant), yet picking each up and just a quick glance will confirm they offer a very different optical and device experience.
It’s made in the same factory sooo..

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To echo Spiral above, and Having owned the Razor UHD and the Maven B2 in the past, I can tell you that the views between them are VERY different, same factory or not.
I would go look through them all.... BUT also look through a set of Sig Zulu 6... I have been a swaro snob... I sold my Els after they sat for the entire hunting season last year. I couldn't go back to something that is not image stabilized. Ready for other brands to throw there names in the hat of IS binos!
I guess I don’t understand the whole IS in a binocular. I can kind of understand an advantage if just quickly scanning but that’s the only advantage I see.

To me it’s just one more potential fail point I have to worry about.